
Unit6 Keep our city clean课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:21次 大小:1329697Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Keep our city clean Unit 6 What makes the air dirty _____makes the air dirty. _____ makes the air dirty. Smoke from cars Black smoke from factories What makes the streets messy and dirty _____makes the streets messy and dirty. The river is _____.There’s _____and the fish are _____. Rubbish dirty rubbish in the water dead What can we do to keep our city clean We can _____and _____ to school. We can also _____ to school,too. take the bus the metro walk We can _____away from the city. We can _____ in the bin. We can _____. move some factories put rubbish plant more trees Play a game. Rules: 有利于环境保护的,大声说出短语。 不利于环境保护的,击掌两次。 Let’s review. clean dirty bins rubbish smoke a factory Make a sentence: 注意单复数和不可数名词哦! make(s) dirty/messy… Better city, better life! 城市让生活更美好! Let’s talk. I love my school. It’s… There are… … The beauty(美) of our school Let’s talk. Problems(问题): 1. Some classrooms are messy. 2. There’s some rubbish on the grass. 3. … … some offices on the grass in the library in the playground Let’s talk. A: Is our school beautiful and clean B: Of course, but … A: Really What makes … dirty/messy… B: …make(s)... A:What can we do to keep it clean B: We can.. We can’t … A: Your ideas are great. some offices the playground the grass the library Let’s talk. How to tell all the students and teachers our ideas give a speech (做一次演讲) make a poster (做一张海报) Let’s make a poster. Give a speech. I love my school. It’s really beautiful. There are green ... First Next Then Finally But sometimes ,there’s some rubbish… Some classrooms are ... How to keep our school clean. Listen, We (also) can… We can’t … Let’s try. Our school will be more and more beautiful. Come on, everybody. Do you have any good ideas Please tell me. (美丽校园) (环境问题) (建议措施) (鼓励号召) Give a speech. Good afternoon,everyone! I love my school. It’s_____. There are_____. But sometimes_____. And___ _____. How to keep our school clean We can ____ _____. We also can _____. Come on, everyone! Thank you ! Homework. Try to give a speech and make it perfect(完美). 2. Make the posters and put them on the walls in the school. 3. Do the Workbook (Unit 6 Period 2). Thank you!

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