
三年级英语通用版 【课后延时服务】演讲与口才系列 9 课件+素材(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:91次 大小:50885910Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 演讲与口才 09 CONTENT Part 1. Speech Time Part 2. Story Teller Part 3. KET Exercise Speech Time 01 Presentation Rules 1. Stand straight 2. Speak loudly 3. Eyes on everyone 4. Keep smiling 5. Say thank you What can you learn from her Show Time Story Teller 02 看图说话 KET Exercise 02 Weather and Seasons How many seasons are there in a year in your country In my country there are four seasons in a year. Are there four seasons in your country Yes, there are four seasons in my country. Can you describe the weather today It’s sunny today. There are many clouds in the sky. Which season do you like best Why I like spring best because I can see many beautiful flowers. What do you like to do in spring I like to plant flowers in spring. What do you like to do in summer I like to go swimming in summer. What do you like to do in autumn I like to collect fallen leaves in autumn. What do you like to do in winter I like to make a snowman in winter. 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员? 欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看: https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php

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