
Module10 Unit1 Where are you going教案

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:12次 大小:29233Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 10 Unit 1 Where are you going 教学设计 教学内容: 教科书第 56至 57页依据课程标准、单元目标教学内容,结合学生实际,我制定出本节课的学习目标为: 1.通过单词卡片、听录音、看图片、自然拼读、TPR、讨论、教师讲解,学生能够 能 够 听 懂 、 模 仿 、 认 读 、 会 说 、 会 写 单 词 when, end, nervous, all right, airport, ticket, passport, safe。 2. 通过听录音、看图片、讨论、教师讲解、跟读、分角色读、完成清单等,学生能够听懂、模仿、会说认读、会写句子 Where are you going I’m going to the airport; What are you going to take When are going to the airport; Who’s going to the airport with you 3. 通过小组讨论、合作,用本节课已学语言制定个人暑期旅行计划,谈论、分享自己的暑期旅行计划、寻找旅行伙伴。 教学重难点: 知道出行计划应包含哪些信息,会用本节课已学语言制定个人暑期旅行计划,谈论、分享自己的暑期旅行计划、寻找旅行伙伴。   教具准备:单词卡片、多媒体  教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greeting 2.sing a chant. T: That’s the end ( 单 词 卡 片 ) of the chant. What is the boy going to do (After singing this song) Ss: He’s going to run. And he’s going to win. T: Great. I like running too. T: I like trip. I’m going to have a trip in this summer holiday. 板书:trip There are so many teachers today. Are you nervous T 动作解释 nervous, 单词卡片教授. T: It will be all right. 单词卡片教授. (板书 I’m going to.. ) ( 播 放 自 己 制 作 的 旅 行 计 划 的 视 频 并 说 出 以 下 内 容 ) I’m going to Hainan. I’m going to swim in the sea. I’m going to ride a bike. I’m going to take some photos. I’m going to visit some places. I’m going to see a sunset. Wow! How beautiful! Boys and girls. Where are you going in summer holiday (提问) Ss: I’m going to... 3.揭题并呈现任务:Talk about your trip plan T:Today we ’ll learn Module 10 Unit1 Where are you going After learning, I hope all of you can talk about your trip plan of your summer holiday. Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.Pre-reading T: Our friend Daming is going to have a trip. What do you want to know about his trip Do you have any questions T: Where..... When..... Who...... (引导学生提问和思考) 2.While-reading (1)Let’s watch the video and choose the right answer. Questions: 1.Where’s Daming going 2. How is he going there Read and answer. (2)(学生自主阅读课文) 1.Where is Daming going tomorrow (教授 airport) 2.What is Daming going to take (clothes, shoes, presents, ticket, passport.) Teach: ticket、passport (3) Read and answer 1.When is he going to the airport 2.Who is going to the airport with him 板书 At seven o’clock tomorrow morning. Mum(画). (4)Listen and repeat. 教授 safe (5)分角色,配音。 3.Post-reading (1)check words (2)Fill in the blanks. (3)Listen, write and say. T:This is Daming’s trip. How about my friend’s trip 1.师与好友打电话对话交流,生听。 2.师问,生答,完成通话人的旅行清单。让学生总结一下旅行前应做哪些方便的准备 3.Talk about trip. ( 1 )Make your summer holiday trip plan.(My Trip Plan) (2)Make a survey. What are your classmates’ summer holiday plans You need to interview at ... ...

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