
Module9 Unit1 Best wishes to you! 教案

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:73次 大小:49664Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 9 Unit 1 Best wishes to you ! 一、教学目标1) 全体同学能够听懂:① Best wishes to you! ② Wishing you happiness every day!③ Good luck for the future!④ You’re a wonderful friend! I will miss you!2) 全体学生能说:① Best wishes to you! ② Wishing you happiness every day!③ Good luck for the future!④ You’re a friend! I will miss you!3) 全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关文章。4) 全体学生能按照要求完成语句书写。5) 全体学生能运用已学语言表达良好祝愿。 二、教学内容学习词汇:wish, best wishes, primary, primary school, message, keep, forever, joy, future, happiness, wonderful。运用语句表达祝愿:① Best wishes to you! ② Wishing you happiness every day!③ Good luck for the future!④ You’re a wonderful friend! I will miss you! 三、教学重点学会运用Best wishes to you!等等表示祝愿的话语表达对同学、朋友依依不舍的友情。 四、教学难点学会运用Best wishes to you!等等表示祝愿的话语表达对同学、朋友依依不舍的友情。 五、教学资源PPT,教学动画等。 六、教学过程 I Greetings! II Warm up! T: Do you enjoy your school life Are you happy at school Let’s sing and dance together. 《Goodbye, my dear friend!》 T: Look at this picture. You’ve studied at this school for six years. Ss: It’s our school. (预设学生答案) T: Yes, what’s the name of our school Ss: Leshan Foreign Language Primary School. (教读新词primary) T: I have a book about your primary school . In this book, there are many photos and messages in this book.(教读新单词message) Do you want to see Let’s open it and see the photos and messages. (出示学生学校生活的各个场景,引导学生回忆并生成句子并齐读句子。) 1. We enjoyed our time together. 2.We had happy time at school. 3.She taught us Chinese. She helped us a lot in Chinese. 4.He helped us a lot in English. He brought us lots of joy. 5.It was Sarah’s birthday. Best wishes to her. T:I will put these photos, messages in this book . And keep it forever! (红色字体为新单词) Now, let’s read the new words again. Do some words practice. Choose the new words to fill in the blanks. 1. My school is really beautiful. 2. School life brought us lots of . 3. I will miss you . 4. Daming is a friend . 5. Please write a in this book. 6. Best to you ! III New lesson. 1.T: Today , we’ll learn Module 9 Unti 1 《Best wishes to you!》 This story is about Daming and his good friends. Daming is a helpful children, he usually helps his friends. Let’s watch the video and try to find the answer to the question: How did Daming help his friends (学生看视频并回答) ① How did Daming help Lingling ②How did Daming help Amy 2. Read the text book. After reading , match the friends with the wishes. Lingling I wiss miss you! Amy Best wishes to you! Sam I’ll miss you forever! 3. Read the text in roles. Then fill in the blanks. You helped me in . You brought us lots of . You taught me . You are a friend. You are my friend. Come to the UK to watch a games with me! IV Magic Eyes. T: Let’s play a game. You’ll see some words very quickly, then use these words to make sentences. 1. We en ... ...

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