
Unit1 School Subjects fun time +story time 同步备课课件+素材(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:65次 大小:5501440Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit1 School Subjects Fun Time What class is it What are they doing do role-plays do role-plays sing songs and say chants talk with our partners listen to the tape A.Good to know. In English class we...... I like science. We can observe and do activities in science class. B.Let's make. Task: make a poster to show your favourite class. I like…….. We can……. Story Time What day is it today What classes do you have on …. What’s your favourite class What class you don’t like Why What time is it Where is Tim What is Tim’s mum doing Does Tim want to go to school Why 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员? 欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看: https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php

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