
人教版(PEP) 小升初语法 形容词讲解及练习(含答案)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:64次 大小:34206Byte 来源:二一课件通
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沪教版牛津英语小升初语法--形容词&副词 形容词词汇: good好的、thin 瘦的、fat 胖的、tall 高的、 short 矮的、long 长的、big 大的、small 小的、fine健康的、yummy美味的、round圆的、new新的、sweet甜的、 juicy多汁的、cute可爱的、strong强壮的、hot热的、cool凉爽的、warm暖和的、 little小的、young年轻的、favourite最喜欢的、super极棒的、cold冷的、 bad坏的、poor可怜的、beautiful漂亮的、hard硬的、soft软的、rough粗糙的、 smooth光滑的、lovely可爱的、windy刮风的、rainy下雨的、sunny晴朗的、 cloudy多云的、happy开心的、hungry饥饿的、thirsty口渴的、natural自然界的、 high高的、naughty淘气的、clean干净的、kind 和蔼的、low低的、sour酸的、bitter苦的、salty咸的、funny有趣的、busy忙的、afraid害怕的、thick 厚的、 full饱的、sad难过的、tired累的、angry生气的、clever聪明的、slow慢的、 quiet 安静的、dry干的、right正确的、bright明亮的、glad 高兴的、light轻的、 great伟大的、brave勇敢的、dangerous危险的、sharp尖锐的、tidy整洁的、 heavy重的、colorful多彩的、fast快速的、wet潮湿的、ugly丑的、crunchy脆的、 healthy健康的、blunt钝的、interesting有趣的、ill生病的、loud大声的、 noisy吵闹的、puzzled迷惑的、unhappy不开心的、late迟到的、shy害羞的、 messy乱糟糟的、unhealthy不健康的、safe安全的、wrong错的、useful有用的、famous有名的、western西方的、different不同的、same相同的、smart聪明的、dream理想的、strange奇怪的、enough足够的、toothless无齿的、 形容词用法:用来描述事物特征的词就是形容词。形容词主要用来描述事物的大小、形状、颜色等具体特征,也可用来陈述事物的状态等 作定语置于被修饰词的后面: This is a beautiful bird in the park. Mary always wears a friendly smile everywhere. 作表语置于系动词后面: Judy is awake now. 多数形容词具有等级(比较级和最高级) Wendy is taller than Alice. You should work harder than before. 练习题 写出下列形容词的反义词 big_____ 2. hot_____ 3. hungry_____ 4. sad_____ 5. black_____ 6. cool_____ 7. good_____ 8. tall_____ 9. sharp_____ 10. rough_____ 11.full_____ 12.slow_____ 13. long_____ 14. old_____ 15. down_____ 16. low_____ 写出下列形容词的比较级 long_____ 2. good_____ 3. tall_____ 4. old_____ 5. hot_____ 6. strong_____ 7. short_____ 8. bad_____ 9. warm_____ 10. cold_____ 11. fast_____ 12. thin_____ 13. fat_____ 14. high_____ 15. big_____ 16. clever_____ 三、写出下列形容词的同类词 1. sunny_____ _____ _____ 2. warm_____ _____ _____ 3. small_____ _____ _____ 4. fat _____ _____ _____ 5. sad_____ _____ _____ 四、根据句意,写单词 1. I run fast, but Alice runs _____. 2. Kitty is short, Ben is_____. 3. Ann and Alice are tall, Kitty and Danny are_____. 4. The high temperature is 30 degrees, the ____ temperature is 15 degrees. 5. Our classroom is_____, but yours are clean. 6. The pencil isn’t sharp, it’s _____. 7. The rabbit can run _____, the turtle is slow. 8. This box is heavy, that one is _____. 9. The ruler isn’t short, it’s_____. 10. My mother isn’t tall, she is_____. 五、用所给形容词的适当形式填空 1. This cat is_____(thin) than that one. 2. This hat is as_____ (big) as mine. 3. The tiger becomes_____and_____(big). 4. He is_____(clever) than his little brother. 5. ... ...

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