
Module 8 Unit 1 When did they come 教案(表格式)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:55次 大小:33792Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教 案 NO: 课 题 M8U1 When did they come 授课时间 主备教师 课型 新授 课时 1 授课人 教学目标 知识技能 学习单词last cup practise及过去式came won,学习一般过去时的特殊疑问句,学会用不规则动词谈论过去去过某地并且做过什么。 过程方法 通过小组合作进行课文的学习和巩固。 情感态度价值观 增强合作意识,同学间能互相帮助,了解勤学苦练才能取得好成绩的道理。 教学重点 正确使用疑问词:what ,when和一般过去时中不规则动词win—won, come—came。 难点关键 用过去时询问过去发生的事。能对过去发生的事情做简单的提问和回答。 学情分析 不规则动词的一般过去式,在形式上发生了很大变化,学生不易接受理解,教师要引导学生注意观察,并建议学生专门记录归纳不规则的动词过去式,以帮助学生自己掌握。并引导学生运用已经学的规则动词和不规则动词过去式进行陈述说明。 教学准备课程资料 Recorder, Pictures,CAI. 教 学 流 程 设计意图要求程度 动态调整 一、Warm-up and lead-in1.Greeting.2.Free talk.What did you do last Sunday Did you… 二、Task presentation1.T:Look, what’s this It’s a flute.Can you play the flute Come here. Let’s have a flute competition.(引导学生理解competition) Who win Oh,… won this competition. 让学生猜它的意思,然后向学生教授“win --won”三.Text learning Have some other competition.(run / jump / sing / dance…)3.Last week some English children came to china for the music competition, too. When did they come Listen to the tape for the first time.3.Answer some questions.(课件出示)⑴When did they come ⑵Who won “When”在课文中第一次出现,老师可再多举几个例子。4.Answer some other questions.⑶What did she play ⑷Can Amy play the flute well 四、Practice1.Ask and answer in pairs.(four questions )2.Listen and repeat.2.T:Can Amy play the flute T: What did mum say Mum: So practice a lot. Then you will win a competition too! ” 3.Read the text.4.Read and match 5.Fill in the blanks.五、 Task completion(当堂检测)1.Talk about the picture.YaoMing: Last week Beijing played a basketball match. Last Friday LiuXiang won a gold cup.2.Read and write.六、Summary and homework 1.Summary: 特殊疑问句结构。come-came win-won2.Homework: Read the text. 直接导入学习内容,将难点进行分解复习过去时的句子,为本课的内容作铺垫。让学生猜它的意思,然后向学生教授“win --won”通过学习这个小故事学生懂得 “Practice makes perfect.” 要勤学苦练才会有收获.借助问题帮学生理解课文,进行词、句的学习 作业 Read the text. 板书设计 M8U1 When did they come What did you do last Sunday Did you… 反思

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