
Unit 5 How old are you?Writing time 课件(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:54次 大小:51627195Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 How old are you (Writing Time) 译林版小学《英语》三年级下册 Let’s sing! Let’s read! 读一读歌曲中出现的词! cute smart wonderful 可爱的 聪明的 极好的 adjectives 形容词 Let’s play! 观察图片,给他们加上形容词,尝试组成小短语吧! adj. 形容词 cute smart聪明的 wonderful极好的 nice beautiful cool big small lovely great … a cute teddy bear a small robot a beautiful dress a cool T-shirt a big hot dog a nice cake a smart parrot a lovely cat 你还知道其他的形容词吗? He is five years old. Let’s review! How old is he Let’s review! 课文中的他们分别是几岁呢? Let’s review! 年龄的表达方式 1.I’m 数字 years old. 如: I’m two years old. 2. I’m a/an 数字-year-old boy/girl. 如: I’m a two-year-old boy. 用了连字符“-”, year则不加s, X-year-old译为:X岁的…。 Mike is ____ years old. This cool _____ is for Mike. Helen is _____years old. This lovely _____is for Helen. Tim is _____years old. This nice _____ is for Tim. They have a good time in Toy Museum. Let’s retell! nine robot eight dog two panda Different toys are for different ages. 不同的玩具给不同年龄的孩子。 玩得高兴 Let’s meet! Ben Ben is six years old. Ben’s birthday is coming. How old is he Ben的生日要来了,他几岁了? Brainstorm present toy car robot football cake T-shirt … What present can we buy for Ben 我们可以给Ben买什么礼物? Let’s talk! Wish List 愿望清单 snacks a toy What present does Ben want Ben想要什么礼物? Try to write. Shopkeeper(店员): Can I help you You: Yes, I’d like some _____ for Ben. Shopkeeper : _____is he You: He is six years old. Shopkeeper : Would you like a hot dog You:_____. Shopkeeper : What about _____ You: _____. Shopkeeper : Here you are. You: _____. Tip 2: 观察图片,联系实际。 snacks No, thank you. a cake Yes, please. Thank you. How old Tip 1: 注意单复数的变化。 Snack Bar小吃店 Learning Tip 可数名词如是单数,则需在前面加a/an, 如是复数,大部分名词需在末尾加s。 I would like Shopkeeper(店员) : Can I help you You: Yes, I’d like _____ for Ben. Shopkeeper : Would you like a cute teddy bear You:_____. Shopkeeper : What about _____ You: _____. Toy Museum No, thank you. Tip 3: 使用形容词,使语言更生动。 a toy a colourful ball Yes, please. lovely big small 五彩缤纷的 [ ] [ ] Try to write. Shopkeeper(店员) : Can I help you You: Yes, I’d like _____ for Ben. Shopkeeper : Would you like a cute teddy bear You:_____. Shopkeeper : What about _____ You: _____. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Toy Museum No, thank you. Tip 4: 发挥想象,使对话更丰富。 a toy a colourful ball No, thank you. I’d like a toy for a six-year-old boy. Shopkeeper : What about a cool robot You: Wow! What a great robot! Shopkeeper : Here you are. You: Thank you. Try to write. Let’s talk! This____ ____ is for you. This____ ____ is for you. How_____! Thank you. Happy Birthday, Ben. nice cake cool robot wonderful Let’s talk! Wish List 愿望清单 new clothes 新衣服 a pet 一个宠物 dress pants blouse shorts cat dog goldfish 陆老师的生日马上 ... ...

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