
Unit3 Transportation Lesson2 教案

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:12次 大小:160768Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Transportation Lesson 2 一.教学目标: 1. 学生能够听懂、会说用来询问使用何种交通方式的功能句:How do you usually go to... 及其答句:I usually go to...by...并能在真实语境中运用。完成关于交通工具使用情况的小调查。 2. 能够根据调查结果,以第三人称的形式汇报他人所使用的交通方式情况。 3. 能够按照自己的实际情况回答交通方式的使用,并正确书写答句。 4. 通过学生同桌合作、小组合作等方式,培养孩子同伴合作的学习方法与习惯。 5. 培养学生文明出行的好习惯。 二.学情分析: 小学四年级的学生和低年级学生相比具有比较强的自行探究的能力,学生在观察能力、思维能力、语言表达能力方面都有了较好的提高。他们喜欢在自己的探索中获取知识,喜欢在玩中学,喜欢在做中学,喜欢在想中学,喜欢在用中学。对周边的事物有着浓厚的兴趣,有着强烈的学习愿望,但学习方式单一,缺乏合作学习的习惯。喜欢受到表扬或赞美,喜欢发表自己的见解。 三.教学重点 学生能用功能句:How do you usually go to... -I usually go to...by...进行交流。 四.教学难点 以第三人称的形式汇报他人所使用的交通方式情况。 五.教学过程 I. Warm Up 1. Greetings. 2. Revision: (1) Who has good eyes (比比谁的眼力好) (利用电子白板聚光灯的功能,复习上节课学过的词组by bus, by taxi, by train...) (2) Who has good memories (通过动画形式给学生展示My Transportation: I usually go to the cinema by bus. I usually go to the supermarket by taxi...让学生记忆。然后通过图片和句型I usually go to...by...提示让学生凭记忆说句子,说对者小组加分。) 【设计意图】通过复习,可以使学生巩固上节课所学知识,为下面新知识的学习做好铺垫。 II. Presentation and Practice 1. T:Do you still remember how I go to school SS: By school bus. T: Well done! You all have good memories.Yes, I go to school by school bus .(板书句子)Then how do you usually go to school S1: I usually go to school by bus. S2: I usually go to school on foot. ...... 2. Students ask and answer in pairs with the sentence pattern: -How do you usually go to school -I usually go to school... 3. Present the Main Scene of the text and ask students to predict the content: Who are they How do they usually go to school 【设计意图】通过预测课文,可以发散学生思维,发展学生的创新思维能力。 4. Listen and choose the right answer: 1) Sue: I usually go to school_____. A. by bike. B. on foot 2) Andy: I usually go to school _____. A. by subway B. by car 【设计意图】以选择形式出示问题,降低难度,适合学生作答。 5. Read the text after the recording and then circle T or F. Sue s home is near the school. T F 6. T: Sue s home is near the school. So she goes to school on foot. If your home is far from school, you should go to school by bus, by taxi or by car. (借助图片解析) 【设计意图】让学生知晓根据距离的远近选择不同的交通言方式。 7. Read in groups. 8. Do role plays. 9. Fill in the blanks. Andy: Hi, Sue! Sue: _____ Andy! Andy: _____ do you usually _____ Sue: I usually go to school _____. My home is _____ our school. What about you Andy: I usually go to school by_____. 10. Make a survey in groups. III. Production 1. Game time: (倒计时说句子:小组内问答形式说句子How do you usually go to... I usually go to...by/on...) 2. 根据路线场 ... ...

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