
Unit 2 I'd like a hamburger 第一课时(Part A, Part B)课件+素材(43张PPT)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:45次 大小:32171134Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 2 0 2 2 2022秋湘少版英语五年级上册 Unit 2 I’d like a hamburger 湘少版·五年级上册 第一课时(Part A, Part B) What food do you know What drinks do you know Game: Brainstorming 将知道的关于食物和饮料的单词说出来,并写出所说的单词。 Food:_____ _____ _____ hamburger, sandwich, fish, chicken, beef, cake, hot dog, bread, dumplings, pork, apple, orange, pear, banana, ice cream… Drinks:_____ _____ coffee, tea, milk, Coke, orange juice… Welcome to my restaurant! I need some cashiers to help me. (收银员) Do you want to try 奖励:A secret present(神秘礼物) Interview 1 面试第一关 Read the menu (认菜单) Listen to the tape and repeat Look at the pictures and write 汉堡包 三明治 可乐 鱼;鱼肉 鸡;鸡肉 牛肉 Game: 看口型,猜单词 老师夸张而缓慢地做口型,全班学生猜。 看图片,填空。 1. I’m hungry(饥饿的). I’d like some _____. 2. I’m hungry. I’d like some _____. 3. I’m hungry. I’d like some _____. 4. I’m thirsty (口渴的). I’d like a cup of ____. 5. I’m thirsty. I’d like a _____. 6. I’m thirsty. I’d like a glass of _____. 7. I’m thirsty. I’d like some _____. fish beef chicken tea Coke water coffee Interview 2 面试第二关 How to communicate with your customers(如何接待顾客) Read and learn What would you like I’d like a hamburger. What about you I’d like a Coke. What about you 这是询问对方想要某物的句子,语气比较委婉。“would like… ”的意思是“想要…… ” 。would没有人称和数的变化,语气比较委婉。 回答时要用“I’d like +... ”,意为“我想要……” 。 What would you like “What about … ” 意思是“……怎么样?”,相当于 “How about … ”,后常接名词、代词、动词的ing形式。这句话是在叙述完自己的情况之后,用来询问他人的句型,为了避免重复。 Can I help you I’d like a hamburger, please. I’d like a Coke, please. “Can I help you ”作为日常用语,在不同的场合有不同的意思。当这句话用在商店时,是店员对顾客的招呼语,意思是“你想买点什么?”当在餐厅,服务员用这句话招呼顾客时,意思是“你想吃点什么?” Can I help you I’d like a hamburger, please. How much is it It’s fifteen yuan. Here you are. Thank you. How much is it It’s fifteen yuan. How much意思是“多少”,询问商品的价格用“How much + be动词 + … ”,表示“某物品多少钱?”其中be动词根据名词或代词的数而变化。 回答用句型:It’s/They’re + 基数词+货币单位. Here’s your food. Thank you. Let’s Listen and Say 模仿语音语调及停顿 What would you like I’d like a Coke. I’d like a hamburger. What about you Can I help you I’d like a hamburger, please. I’d like a Coke, please. It’s fifteen yuan. Thank you. How much is it Here you are. Here’s your food. Thank you. Read it in roles 面试官提问环节: 1.当客人来点菜时,你应该说什么? A. What would you like B. Can I help you 2.当你把食物递给客人时,你应该说什么? A. What’s that B. Here is your food. √ √ √ Interview 3 面试第三关 Memory challenge 记忆大考验 Lingling Anne What would Anne like What would Lingling like How much is it in total A Coke. A hamburger. Fifteen yuan. Interview 4 面试第四关 Int ... ...

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