

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:16次 大小:57773Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com A Ann: Hello, Tom. What __1__ that Tom: It's __2__ old photo of my family. Ann: Is this __3__ your father, Tom Tom: Yes, he's my father. He's a doctor(医生). Now, look at this woman. __4__ is my mother. Ann: Is she a doctor, too Tom: No, she's a __5__ . She teaches Chinese. Ann: Who's this little girl Is she your __6__ Tom: Yes. She is __7__ Grade Two. Her classroom is next to ours. Ann: __8__ is she Tom: She is 14. Ann: __9__ this little boy Is he your little brother Tom: No, ha, ha, it's __10__. (A)1. A) is B) am C) are D) be 【详解】that作主语,be动词用 is. (B)2. A) a B) an C) the D) / 【详解】元音前用不定冠词an. (A)3. A) man B) woman C) girl D) boy 【详解】根据father一词可知该句句意为:这个男人是你的父亲吗?从而可知正确答案。 (B)4. A) He B) She C) It D) I 【详解】表示女性的人称代词用she. (B)5. A) worker B) teacher C) doctor D) student 【详解】根据上下文中可以知道妈妈的职业是teacher. (B)6. A) brother B) sister C) father D) mother 【详解】根据上下文中可以知道用sister. (A)7. A) in B) at C) of D) on 【详解】表示在几年级几班用介词in. (B)8. A) What B) How old C) Who D) Why 【详解】根据答语可以知道是问年龄,用how old. (A)9. A) Who's B) What's C) How D) What 【详解】问这个人是谁用疑问代词who. (B)10. A) she B) me C) he D) they 【详解】根据上下文中可以知道此处是指作者自己,所以用me. B This is a __1__ of my bedroom. It's a nice __2__. The door(门) is __3__. And a ball is __4__ it. __5__ desk is near the window. You can see a __6__ behind the desk. You __7__ books and flowers __8__ it. I __9__ my English books in my schoolbag. The bag is now behind __10__ chair. (A)1. A) picture B) book C) map D) family 【详解】根据文意可知:a picture of my bedroom 我卧室的一张照片。 (B)2. A) classroom B) room C) toilet D) home 【详解】上句提到了 bedroom, 这里接上句继续谈 bedroom,简称 room. (B)3. A) over there B) here C) this D) that 【详解】here 和 there 表示方位,here 在这里,指近处;over there 在那里,指远处。 (D)4. A) in B) on C) under D) behind 【详解】球应在门后:behind the door. (C)5. A) Me B) I C) My D) Mine 【详解】my 为形容词性物主代词,意思是“我的”,后可接名词;mine 本身已是名词性质的物主代词,不能再接名词。 (D)6. A) window B) door C) clock D) chair 【详解】在桌子后的应为椅子,下文还说有书和花在上面。 (B)7. A) see B) can see C) must see D) look 【详解】I can see 为“我能看到”。see 强调看到的结果,look 强调看的过程。 (B)8. A) from B) on C) at D) of 【详解】on it 在此指 on the chair. (A)9. A) put B) color C) find D) put on 【详解】put...in... 意思是“把……放到……里面”。 (B)10. A) a B) the C) an D) of 【详解】behind the chair 意思是“在椅子后”;a 和 an 表示泛指,the 表示特指,说话双方都知道的或上文已经提到的。 21世纪教育网 -- 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有@21世纪教育网本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com A This is our classroom. It's a big room. A map of China is __1__ the wall. __2__ desks and chairs are __3__ the room. __4__ desks and chairs are nice. This is m ... ...

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