
Unit 6 When was it invented? Section B (1a-1e)课件(共35张PPT)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:18次 大小:5320839Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 英语(人教版) 九年级全册 English Unit 6 When was it invented? Section B 1a-1e How does the food taste Do you like it/ them Free talk sweet 1 课堂导入 How does the food taste Do you like it/ them sweet, sour, … How does the food taste Do you like it/ them sour, … How does the food taste Do you like it/ them sweet, sour, salty… How does the food taste Do you like it/ them sweet, salty, crispy… adj. 脆的,酥脆的 salty food Please list some food with kinds of taste Sour food Sweet food Crispy food The words in the box describe how food can taste. Write them under the correct pictures. Some pictures have more than one word. 1a sweet crispy salty sour _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ crispy sour salty sweet salty 2 课堂活动 Write the name of a different food after each word. 1b sweet _____ crispy _____ salty _____ sour _____ banana fried chicken cheese lemon Talk about the food with your partner. I think pineapples are sour. What food is crispy What food is sour … Read the following sentences, predict the conversation. 1. Potato chips were invented by mistake. T F 2. They were invented in 1863. T F 3. The customer thought the potatoes were not thin enough. T F 4. The customer said they were not salty enough. T F 5. George wanted to make the customer happy. T F 6. The customer was happy in the end. T F 顾客;客户 错误地;无意中 最终;最后 1c 1. Potato chips were invented by mistake. T F 2. They were invented in 1863. T F 3. The customer thought the potatoes were not thin enough. T F 4. The customer said they were not salty enough. T F 5. George wanted to make the customer happy. T F 6. The customer was happy in the end. T F Listen and circle T for true or F for false. 1c Listen and answer the questions. 1. Who invented potato chips 2. When were they invented 3. What did the custom order at the restaurant 4. What did the custom think of the potato chips George cooked at first 5. How did George cook the potatoes then Listen again. Complete the sentences. 1d The History of Potato Chips Do you know how potato chips were invented Potato chips _____ by a cook called George Crum. They were invented in _____. George Crum cut the potatoes really, really _____ and then cooked them for a long time until they were _____. Finally he put lots of salt on them so they were _____. were invented 1853 thin crispy really salty Boy 1: Hey, did you know that potato chips were invented by mistake Boy 2: Really What do you mean Boy 1: Well, here on the bag it says that they were invented by a cook called George Crum. Boy 2: When was that Boy 1: Oh, it was back in 1853. Boy 2: So, why was it an accident Boy 1: Well, one day, a customer came into the restaurant where George worked. He ordered a plate of fried potatoes. When the potatoes came, he said they were cut too thick and sent them back to the kitchen. Boy 2: So what happened 1c,1d听力材料 Boy 1: Well, George was angry, so he cut the pot ... ...

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