
Module 3 Unit 5 Let me show you our new school课件(共30张PPT)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:59次 大小:23661431Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 Let me show you our new school What can you see in the video Let me show you our new school Thank you. playground Do you know what is classroom building? classroom 教学楼 library swimming pool gym dining hall teachers’ room computer room music room Who can say fast! teachers’ room swimmingpool playground library gym dinning hall computer room classroom Well done!You are great! What do we do in the classroom We have lessons in the classroom. We have music lessons in the music room. What do we do in the music room We play games on the playground. What do we do on the playground We have PE lessons on the playground. PE What do we do on the playground What do we do in the computer room We have computer lessons in the computer room. We swim in the swimming pool. What do we do in the swimming pool What do we do in the library We read books in the library. eat We eat in the dining hall. We have meals in the dining hall. What do we do in the dining hall work Our teachers work in the teachers’ room. What do teachers do in the teachers’ room Let’s learn! Let me show you our new school! …… classroom library playground computer room swimming pool dining hall teachers’ room gym Review the Postion Words! 1.在…旁边,附近 2.在…下面 3.在…前面 4.在…后面 next to beside near under behind in front of > > 最近 比较近 近 opposite 在…对面 trees house The house is opposite the trees. 在操场对面 在体育馆对面 在教室对面 在电脑室对面 在图书馆对面 在游泳池对面 在饭堂对面 opposite 在…对面 opposite the playground opposite the gym opposite the classroom opposite the computer room opposite the library opposite the swimming pool opposite the dining hall Let’s learn! A: Where is the classroom B:It’s over there,opposite the library. 游泳池,在操场对面 饭堂,在体育馆对面 图书馆,在教室对面 教师办公室,在电脑室对面 5. 操场,在游泳池旁边 6. 体育馆,在饭堂前面 7. 教室,在图书馆后面 8. 电脑室,在教师办公室下面 9. 饭堂,在教学楼对面 …… …… 在那里 Sum-up What we learn classroom (classroom building) library dinning hall computer room teachers’ room gym playground swimming pool our opposite Where is the swimming pool It’s over there, opposite/behind/under/in front of/near/next to/beside the playground. 不知道自己缺点的人,一辈子都不会想要改善。成功的花,人们只惊慕她现时的明艳!然而当初她的芽儿,浸透了奋斗的泪泉,洒遍了牺牲的血雨。成功的条件在于勇气和自信,而勇气和自信乃是由健全的思想和健康的体魄而来。成功了自己笑一辈子,不成功被人笑一辈子。成功只有一个理由,失败却有一千种理由。从胜利学得少,从失败学得多。你生而有翼,为何一生匍匐前进,形如蝼蚁。你一天的爱心可能带来别人一生的感谢。逆风的方向,更适合飞翔。只有承担起旅途风雨,才能最终守得住彩虹满天只有创造,才是真正的享受,只有拚搏,才是充实的生活。知识玩转财富。志不立,天下无可成之事。竹笋虽然柔嫩,但它不怕重压,敢于奋斗、敢于冒尖。阻止你前行的,不是人生道路上的一百块石头,而是你鞋子里的那一颗石子。最凄美的爱,不必呼天抢地,只是相顾无言。最值得欣 ... ...

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