
Lesson 5 Meet Ms Liu 教案

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:70次 大小:46592Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 5:Meet Ms.Liu Teaching aims: 1. To listen and understand the report about Ms. Liu. 2. To learn to introduce teachers with some key words and useful expressions: Words: someone, England, knowledgeable, encourage, discuss, patient, piano; Phrases: be patient with; be ready to; feel lucky to do ; encourage sb to do; play the piano. Teaching procedure: Step 1:Greeting. Step2: Revision. Ask students to describe their best friends. Step3: Lead-in. 1. Do you like your English teacher 2.What is your teacher’s name 3.What do you know about him/her Step4:New words. 1. someone, England, knowledgeable, encourage, discuss, patient, piano; 2. Practice. (1)_____(有人)in the audience began to laugh. (2)We need _____ _____(讨论) this questin. (3)Mr. Li is very _____(耐心的). (4)Do you know the (歌手) She is very famous in China. (5)She plays the _____(钢琴) every afternoon. Step5:Listening Now I’d like you to meet Li Ming’s new English teacher. Please listen to the tape and try to get some information about the new teacher. Then do Ex1 on Page 11 . Listen to tape and write true (T) or false (F). 1. Ms. Liu is a kind English teacher. ( ) 2. Three years ago, Ms. Liu began teaching. ( ) 3. Ms. Liu learned English in England. ( ) 4. The students are Ms. Liu’s friends. ( ) 5. Ms. Liu is good at singing. ( ) Step6:Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1.What are Ms. Liu’s interests 2.When did she become an English teacher 3.What does she hate to do Step7:Read the lesson ang fill in the chart. Name Job Personality Interests Liu Mei Step8:Language points: 1. be ready to “准备做某事”。 Eg;He is ready to give his report to the class. 2. Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. 一般放在姓前,表示称呼: Mr. 用于男士; Mrs.用于已婚女子; Miss用于未婚女子;Ms.用于不知已婚或未婚的女子。 3. feel lucky to do sth. 做某事感到很幸运 Eg;I feel lucky to have her as my English teacher. 4. have…as… 让…担任 Eg:We would like to have Peter as our manager. 5. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 Eg:She encourages us to ask questions . 6. be patient with 对……有耐心 Eg;She is patient with all her patients. Step9: Practice. 1. Sandra is _____ ___ (准备好) sing a song for us at the coming party. 2. Could you teach me to _____ _____ _____ (弹钢琴), Monica 3. Ms. Yang is kind and _____(耐心的). We_____ _____ _____(感到幸运) have such a good teacher. 4. My parents often _____ ___ ___ ___ (鼓励我做) what I can do by myself. Step10: Pair work. 1.Work in pairs. Talk about your favourite teacher. Interview one of your teachers and tell a group of classmates about him or her. Then write a short passage. Task tips: You may use these expressions: My favourite teacher is… He/She likes… and hates… His/Her favourite… is… 2.Ask some students to share their passages with us. Step10: Summary. What do you learn about in this lesson I know be ready to feel lucky to do… encourage sb. to do be patient with play the piano ... ...

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