
Unit 4 What's the best movie theater Section B (1a—1e)课后分层练习(含答案)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:82次 大小:27446Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater Section B (1a—1e) 课后练习 基础过关 I. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1. I think Frank is a smart boy. He always has c_____ ideas. 2. Mr. Zhang is the most s_____ teacher in our school. He is strict with us all. 3. When hearing the joke, I couldn’t help l_____. 4. Lang Lang is a famous pianist _____ (演奏者). 5. Doing housework at home all day is very _____ (乏味的). II. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Eliza was one of the best _____ (perform) in the party. 2. What a _____ (create) boy he is! His mind is full of strange ideas all the time. 3. The weather was bad yesterday, but it’s much _____ (bad) today. 4. They kept _____ (stand) outside the room during the meeting. 5. Many young people enjoy _____ (watch) movies when they are free. III. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1. 这种T恤是现在最受欢迎的。 This kind of T-shirt is _____ _____ _____ now. 2. 我们有最舒适的椅子。 We have _____ _____ _____ chairs. 3. 今年的电影节上谁获得了最佳表演奖? Who was the _____ _____ this year in the movie festival 4. 星期三是我姐姐一周中最忙的一天。 Wednesday is my sister’s _____ _____ in a week. 5. 这是我见过的最漂亮的外套。 This coat is the _____ _____ one I have ever seen. 拓展延伸 I. 按要求完成句子,每空一词。 1. He is the most talented boy of all. (改为同义句) He is _____ _____ than any other boy. 2. Who performed best (改为同义句) Who was _____ _____ _____ 3. The movie is very funny of all that I saw. (改为最高级) The movie is _____ _____ of all that I saw. 4. The baby is the noisiest. (改为反义句) The baby is _____ _____. 5. I think Lang Lang is the most creative. (对划线部分提问) _____ do you think _____ the most creative II. 单项选择。 ( )1. ____ all the subjects, I like English best. A. In B. At C. Of D. For ( )2. This woman was a famous actress before. She ____ very well in many films. A. acted B. danced C. sang D. wrote ( )3. --Tom, What do you think of the school --Oh, no other school is ____ in the city. It’s ____ one. A. the best; a better B. better; the best C. the best; the best D. better; a better ( )4. --Which month has ____ days in a year --February. It usually has twenty-eight days. A. little B. few C. the least D. the fewest ( )5. --Let’s ask Kate for help. She is a(n) ____ girl. --Good idea. Her ideas are always new and different from others’. A. similar B. successful C. creative D. enjoyable 能力提升 I. 补全对话。 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(其中有两项多余) A: Hi, I’m doing a survey for Daily News. __1__ B: I guess 107.9 FM is the best. A: Why B: __2__ It’s much better than the other radio stations in town. A: What about the other radio stations B: Well, I think Oldies 102.1 FM is very bad. __3__ A: I heard that. __4__ B: Not for me. A: Why not B: __5__ They’re worse than the commercials of All Talk 97.0 FM! A. Because it has the best clothing. B. It has the worst music. C. What’s the best clothing store D. Because it has the most interesting music. E. But Easy Listening 97. 9 F ... ...

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