
Unit 3 Trouble Exercise 1 for Reading(含答案)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:49次 大小:1210880Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Exercise1 for Reading (8AM1U3) I. Answer the following questions according to the cartoon. 1. Where are Hi and Lo 2. Where are they going 3. Who are the people shouting at 4. Why does Lo like taking the Star Ferry 5. What number do you dial when someone is badly ill 6. What number do you dial when you want to know a telephone number or an address of a place 7. What number do you dial when there is a fire II. Translate the following phrases into English. 1. 打电话给警察 2. 每周两次 3. 处理 4. 一件不寻常的事情 5. 某人遭遇某事 6. 把某物给某人看 7. 两名女游客 8. 冲着某人喊 9. 盯着……看 10. 穿过人群 11. 开始做某事 12. 和某人说话 13. 拿起/捡起 14. 好样的/干得好 15. 看见某人在做某事 16. 拨110 17. 报盗窃案 18. 上公共汽车/下公共汽车 19. 一……就 20. 告诉更多的消息 III. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) ( ) 1. The Huang River is in the world. A. one of longest rivers B. one of the longer rivers C. one of the longest river D. one of the longest rivers ( ) 2. It’s cold outside. your sweater. A. Put on B. Wearing C. Wear D. Putting on ( ) 3. Mr. Li didn’t want to the meeting. A. join B. take part in C. enter D. attend ( ) 4. Nowadays, the teenagers playing computer games. A. is interested in B. interested in C. are interested in D. interest in ( ) 5. Mr. Smith at weekends. A. went jogging B. go jogging C. is going jogging D. goes jogging ( ) 6. The three men . A. stole the purse from the women tourists. B. stealed the women tourists the purse C. stole the purse of the woman tourists D. stolen the purse from the women tourists ( ) 7. When the ferry came, people . A. hurry aboard B. hurried to aboard C. hurry abroad D. hurried aboard ( ) 8. They happened in the park last Sunday. A. met B. to meet C. meeting D. to met ( ) 9. Our manager is responsible . A. for sell B. for sales C. with selling D. of sales ( ) 10. My father always in the morning. A. phones to the clients B. makes phone calls to the clients C. dials the clients D. makes phone calls with the clients IV. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms. (选择单词的适当形式完成句子) 1. Maths is one of my school subjects. (good) 2. Yesterday, we heard a . (rob) 3. We got the champion(冠军) . (success) 4. It’s noisy to live near a street. (crowd) 5. We must help the police to catch . (thief) V. True or false (判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,用“T”或“F”表示) When Ben woke up, it was already six o’clock, “Oh, no!” he said. Last night he stayed up late to work on his science project, but he did not finish it. Ben was worried. The science teacher was sure to be angry with him. Ben put on his clothes quickly and ran out of the door. It was very cold outside, but he rode his bike quickly. He thought carefully about his project, “I want to finish it this morning…” Suddenly, he saw an old lady fall over and hurt her leg. It was Mrs. Li. She lived next door to Ben. “What should I do ” thought Ben. “I want to help her but I do not have time. I hav ... ...

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