

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:87次 大小:254526Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版(三起)英语六年级上学期期末预测卷02 一.单选题(共10小题,计20分) 火眼金睛选不同。 1.A.good B.people C.bad 2.A.how B.what C.many 3.A.please B.pull C.put 4.A.happy B.worry C.angry 5.A.ant B.mouse C.grass 选出单词画线部分发音不同的一项。 6.A.light B.straight C.tonight 7.A.visit B.comic C.mine 8.A.teacher B.bread C.beef 9.A.cup B.subway C.supermarket 10.A.whose B.where C.which 二.情景对话(共5小题,计10分) Sarah: Is your father here today Oliver: 11. Sarah: What does he do Oliver: 12.. He often goes to other countries. Sarah: 13. Oliver: She is a head teacher. Sarah: 14. Oliver: Yeah. She’ll be here today! Sarah: Do you want to be a head teacher, too Oliver: 15. A.He’s a businessman. B.That’s nice. C.No. He’s in Australia. D.No, I want to be a businessman. E.What does your mother do 三.完形填空(共10小题,计20分) It is Saturday today. _____ breakfast, I meet Tom in front of the post office. Then we _____ to the park. On the way, we first pass the _____. There are many old things in it. The park _____ far, so we get _____ in only about 10 minutes. We play sports _____ take many photos in it. Tomorrow morning I _____ go to the _____, I want to _____ a letter to my friend. In the afternoon, I’m going to see a film _____ animals. I think it will be interesting. 16.A.Near B.After C.Behind 17.A.fly B.swim C.walk 18.A.museum B.school C.library 19.A.is B.very C.isn’t 20.A.there B.here C.to there 21.A.or B.but C.and 22.A.am B.will C.wants 23.A.post office B.bookstore C.school 24.A.sends B.send C.sending 25.A.of B.in C.about 四.排序题(10分) 26.(_____) That's nice. Where is she from (_____) Canada is far away from us. How did she come to China (_____) Hope she will enjoy her trip here. (_____) She came here by plane. (_____) She is my pen pal. She comes to China to have a trip. (_____) She comes from Canada. (_____) I am fine. Who is she (_____) Hi, Mary. How are you 五.阅读理解(30分) A Hello, my name's Zhang Qiang. I'm going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday morning, I'm going to the bookstore by bike. I'm going to buy a dictionary and some comic books. On Saturday afternoon, I'm going to wash my clothes. On Sunday morning, I'm going to do my homework. In the afternoon, I'm going to visit my grandparents with my mom. In the evening, I'm going to see a film with my best friend. I'll have a nice weekend. 27.Zhang Qiang is going to the bookstore by bus. (___) 28.Zhang Qiang is going to buy a dictionary and some story books. (___) 29.Zhang Qiang is going to wash his clothes on Saturday afternoon. (___) 30.Zhang Qiang is going to visit his grandparents with his parents. (___) 31.Zhang Qiang is going to see a film on Sunday evening. (___) B Hello, my name's Zhang Qiang. I'm going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday morning, I'm going to the bookstore by bike. I'm going to buy a dictionary and some comic books. On Saturda ... ...

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