
【核心素养目标】Unit 3 The Earth 第4课时Speaking & Writing教案

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:72次 大小:1360384Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 课题 The Earth 单元 Unit 3 学科 英语 年级 七 教材分析 This teaching period mainly deal with speaking and writing. Students are expected to ①learn to say the vowels / / /ɑ / / / / / / /& /u / and consonants /k/, /g/; ②complete a report about protecting the Earth. 学习目标与核心素养 1. Knowledge objectives: ①Complete a report about protecting the Earth. ②Master the methods and rules in spelling and pronunciation. 2. Skill objectives: ①Recognize words containing vowels / / /ɑ / / / / / / /& /u /and consonants /k/, /g/. ②Use the knowledge learned in this unit to discuss environmental pollution and measures to protect the earth. 3. Emotional objectives: Understand the importance of protecting the Earth and influence people around us to protect the earth together. 4. Thinking quality objectives: Master the structure of the article, imitate the structure and create your own. 重点 Correctly express your views according to pictures and text messages 难点 Distinguish words with the phonetic symbols; Use the right sentence structure 牛津深圳·广州版英语七年级上册第4课时教学设计 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Lead in Let Ss learn and try tongue twister.Show timeLead Ss to read the words. Let them work out the rules for the pronunciation of / / & /u /. Learn and try tongue twister.Show in class.Lead Ss to read the words. Let them work out the rules for the pronunciation of / / & /u /. To arouse students’ interest. 新课讲授 Talk time1. Show students some examples on words vowels / / /ɑ / / / / / / /& /u /.2. Lead them to read the words loudly.3. Explain each phonetic symbols and teach pronunciation rules of letter combinations.4. Practice.Speak up1. Discussion:In groups, talk about what kind of problems China has. 2. Let students follow the example to make a dialogue each other in groups.3. Let Ss follow the dialogue in class.Writing1. Review the main text, and let students understand the structure of a poster.2. Lead Ss to watch a video, catch some useful words about pollution from it, and write them down.3. Discussion: What are the causes of the pollution 4. Let Ss look at the photos and discuss the problems with classmates. And discuss: what can we do to solve these problems 5. Analyze the structure of the text which describe the problems on Earth. 6. Give students some tips and lead them finish the article about how to help the Earth.5. Check the answers and teach some useful expressions.6. Discuss: What else can we do to help the Earth 7. Learn some important language points.8. Summary:9.Write an article using the words and sentences according to the sample writing. Recognize words containing vowels / / /ɑ / / / / / / /& /u /.Read the words loudly.Learn the pronunciation rules of letter combinations.Practice makes perfect.Discuss the question.Follow the example to make a dialogue each other in groups .Show time.Review the main text.Watch a video, catch some useful words about pollution from it ... ...

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