
Unit 6 In a nature park Part C Story time 教案

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:97次 大小:33357Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 In a nature park Part C Story time 教学目标: 1能够熟练运用句型“There is/ are … .”描述景物,以及用句型“Is/Are there … ”来询问并作答。 2、 能够通过语境听懂、会说单词:corn, koala, 以及运用短语:take pictures of/ take a picture of … . 3、能够通过语境理解句子:What a nice day! Why don’t you take a picture of me Your card is broken. 3、 能整体理解故事,并创造性表演故事。 4、 激发学生热爱自然、保护自然的情感。 教学重难点: 1、 能够听懂、会用故事中的单词、词组和句子。 2、 能够创造性的表演故事。 教学准备:PPT,卡片,相机等。 教学步骤: Step 1 Warm-up 1. Good morning, boys and girls, how are you today What’s the weather like today Today is sunny, it’s warm. What a nice day! 2. Today, let’s go on with Unit 6 In a nature park. Have a think. Are there any nature parks in Shiyan What are they 3. Look, do you know these nature parks Which one do you like What can you see in it 【设计意图】 让同学们自由的说一说十堰有哪些自然公园,这些自然公园里都有什么,活跃课堂气氛,让尽可能多的学生踊跃参与到课堂中来。 4. I like Niu Tou Shan nature park. Now, let’s enjoy the view of Niu Tou Mountain. The view is so beautiful, can you tell: What’s in Niu Tou Shan nature park 【设计意图】通过欣赏十堰本地自然公园的优美风景,巩固运用句型: There is/ are …,既贴近学生生活实际,又能很好的激发学生说的欲望。 二: Presentation 1. Since the weather is so good, and the view is so attractive, let’s put on a bag and take a trip to the nature park. 2. Before going, have a think, what will you take What’s in your bag 3. In my bag, I’ll take some popcorn. Do you like popcorn What’s it made of 3. Except for the popcorn, I’ll take my mobile phone. Guess, what will I do with my phone Now, let me take a picture of you. Who comes first 【设计意图】出去游玩是同学们都喜欢的,由他们喜欢的话题入手,谈论自己将要带什么食物,出发前来拍张照,充分调动学生参与热情,让每一个学生都积极参与到话题中来。 4. Zoom wants to take a picture, too. Who can take a picture for Zoom 5. Now, everything is read, let’s go to the nature park with Zoom and Zip. Look, there is a camera in Zip’s hands, too. Guess: What can Zip take pictures of 6. Now, let’s check: Listen and tick or cross. 7. Zip can take so many pictures. But, at the end of the story, are there any pictures left Make sentences: The _____ is broken. 【设计意图】让学生带着任务去听故事,有助于学生注意力的集中,同时,在练习中渗透情感教育:外出旅游时,不要破坏自然,做一个文明游客。 8. Listen and repeat. Step 3 Practice and extension 1. Group work: Role play and act the story creatively. 2. Show time. 3. Zoom and Zip are very sad. What can you say to them Or what can you do to them 【设计意图】让学生自由想象可以为Zoom和Zip说点或做点什么去安抚他们失落的心情,发散学生思维。 Step 4 Homework 1. Act the story with your partner. 2. Go to the nature park and take some pictures. ... ...

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