
Unit 5 What does he do? Part C Story time 课件+教案+素材(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:83次 大小:30290111Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 英 语 PEP版 六年级上册 Unit 5 What does he do Part C Story time 1.学生能通过阅读故事,巩固本单元所学语言; 2.能理解故事内容,并按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读故事; 3.通过让学生分组合作、自主学习等方法,激发学生阅读兴趣,掌握阅读方法,培养学生自主学习、合作学习的能力。 学习目标 Revision Warm up There are many jobs around us. But there are also some unusual jobs. Look, this is a job ad of the zoo. What unusual jobs does it have Let's go and have a look. Warm up Show some unusual jobs lion tamer bee farmer computer game tester magician’s assistant Warm up What do you want to be Do you want to be a/an… Why do you want to be a/an… /Why not ... ... Warm up What do you want to be Do you want to be a/an… Why do you want to be a/an… /Why not ... ... Warm up How many jobs can you find in this story What do you think of these jobs lion tamer bee farmer computer game tester magician’s assistant nut cracker too dangerous get stung don’t like computer games don’t like yum Warm up too dangerous 太过危险 get stung 被蛰 don’t like computer games不喜欢电脑游戏 yum 美味的 Warm up Story time Presentation Questions: 1. Who are they 2. What jobs are they talking about 3. What job does Zip want to do 4. Why doesn't Zip like those unusual jobs Presentation Presentation Answers: 1. Who are they They are Zoom and Zip. 2. What jobs are they talking about They are talking about unusual jobs, just like lion tamer, bee farmer, computer game tester and magician’s assistant. 3. What job does Zip want to do A nut cracker. 4. Why doesn't Zip like those unusual jobs Because they are dangerous and Zip doesn’t like these jobs. Presentation Presentation Practice and act out the story I’m Zip. I’m Zoom. Practice Yes.What other unusual jobs can you think of Wow! What a great job! ... Practice Unit Five What does he do Part C Story time too dangerous 太过危险 get stung 被蛰 don’t like computer games不喜欢电脑游戏 yum 美味的 课堂小结 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 兼职招聘: https://www.21cnjy.com/recruitment/home/admin中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 The seventh period(第七课时) Part C Story time 内容分析 本课是PEP小学英语六年级第一册Unit5第七课时。本部分通过讲述Zoom和Zip对不同职业的谈论,重现了本单元部分词汇和部分句型,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增加学生语言的输入以及训练学生逐步适应文本阅读。更重要的是为能力较强的学生提供语言拓展内容,以达到分层次教学的目的。 课时目标 知识与能力 l.学生能通过阅读故事,巩固本单元所学语言; 2.能理解故事内容,并按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读故事; 3.能够复述故事,能恰当地运用故事中的语言; 4.通过让学生分组合作、自主学习等方法,激发学生阅读兴趣,掌握阅读方法,培养学生自主学习、合作学习的能力; 过程与方法 1.通过让学生分组合作、自主学习等方法帮助他们体验故事角色,激发阅读 兴趣,掌握阅读方法。 2.通过仿读、朗读等方式,让学生准确朗读,通过角色扮演表演故事,帮助学生进一步理解故事。 情感态度价值观 教育学生要根据自己的爱好,树立职业理想。 教学重难点 1.能够理解故事 2.能够自如 ... ...

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