
【新课标】Unit 4 Inventions Period 3 Grammar 分层作业(含答案解析)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:28次 大小:998529Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 4 Inventions Period 3 Grammar A层作业以夯实基础 写出下列形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。 1.fast _____ _____ 2. wide _____ _____ 3.easy _____ _____ 4.small_____ _____ 5.large_____ _____ 6.dirty_____ _____ 7.long _____ _____ 8.rude _____ _____ 9.busy_____ _____ 10.hot_____ _____ 11.thin_____ _____ 12. fat _____ _____ 13.few _____ _____ 14.good_____ _____ 15.little_____ _____ 16.badly_____ _____ 17.far_____ _____ 18. difficult_____ _____ 用所给形容词和副词的适当形式填空。 Which lesson is _____ (difficult) in Book 2 Alice writes _____(carefully ) than I. This story is _____( interesting) than that one. That was one of _____( exciting) moments in 2008. This kind of food must be _____ ( delicious )than that one. Beihai park is one of _____ (beautiful ) parks in Beijing. Who’s _____(careful), Tom,Jim or Kate That is _____(easy) of all. He is _____(clever )boy in the class. John is _____( short) than Tom. She is _____(pretty)girl in the group. Which film is _____ (interesting),this one or that one Can you show me_____(near) shop here This bridge is as _____ ( long) as that one,but it is much _____ (wide) than that one. I think English is one of _____ (important )subjects in middle school. I am only one year _____ (young) than you. B层作业:能力提升 在下列句子中填入than,as ,of 或in. 1.This table is as big _____ that one. 2.The red book is bigger _____ the blue one. 3.John is the best student _____ the class. 4.The lesson is more interesting _____ that one. 5.The apple is the largest _____ all the apples. 根据汉语提示补全句子,每空限填一词。 1.这本书比那本书好多了。This book is _____ _____ _____ that one. 2.这块月饼大,那块更大。This mooncake is _____.That one is _____. 3.吉姆比他班里任何其他的同学年龄都大。Jim is _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ in his class. 4.所有铅笔中这支铅笔最长。The pencil is _____ _____ _____ _____. 5.在学校里我们英语老师最忙。Our English teacher is ____ _____ in our school. 6.两个男孩中李雷个子高些。Li Lei is _____ _____ _____ the two boys. 7.这个问题太容易了,大家都能回答。The question is _____ _____.Everyone can answer it. 8.黄河是中国第二长河。The Yellow River is _____ _____ _____ river in China. 9.梅梅的帽子比苗苗的新。Meimei’s hat is _____ _____ _____. 夏天上海比吉林热。In summer it is _____ in Shanghai _____ in Jilin. 单项选择。 1._____ of the two women is Mrs. Brown. A. The beautiful B.The more beautiful C. More beautiful D.The most beautiful 2.He jumps _____ of the three. A. far B.further C.farthest D.furthest 3. There are _____ girls in Class Two than in Class Four. A. more B.nicest C.most D.best 4.No one is ____ Mary in the class. A. so tallest as B.as taller as C.so high as D.so tall as 5.The weather in Shenyang is even colder_____. A. than that in Beijing B.than Beijing C.than in Beijing D.as that in Beijing 6.Peter is _____ than his brother. A.more fatter B.much fatter C.very fat D.the fattest 7.Whose sweater is _____ of all A. cheaper B.cheap C.cheapest D.the cheapest 8.Which month has ... ...

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