
Unit 4 Do it yourself Task 课件(共36张PPT)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:80次 大小:2796502Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 译林版·八年级上册 Unit 4 Do it yourself Task 学 习 目 标 学习本课时新单词及短语:secret, wrong, spell, balloon, stick, cover, complete, paint, furniture, keep it secret, plan to, have fun doing, go wrong,cut out 1 3 学会围绕本单元话题,写一篇关于自己DIY的日记。 学习如何写日记,包括段落分布、句子衔接等。 2 When is your mum's birthday What will you make for her if your mum's birthday is coming a birthday cake a birthday card a paper rose — What do you decide to do if your mum's birthday is coming — I decide to ... if my mum's birthday is coming. 课 堂 导 入 give her a surprise Do you want to make the present at home with the help of your mum Can you make it by yourself Who will help you with making it keep it secret Free talk Suzy's mum's birthday is coming. What did she do for her mum Listening 课 堂 学 习 Listen carefully and answer the questions Why didn’t Suzy make the card at home Did Sandy help How long did Suzy and Sandy spend making it What mistakes did Suzy keep making when working on it What colour did she use for the roses Did they make a mess in the house Answer the questions Why didn’t Suzy make the card at home 2. Did Sandy help 3. How long did Suzy and Sandy spend making it Because she wanted to keep it secret. Yes. Sandy helped her with the drawing. Two hours. Answer the questions 4. What mistakes did Suzy keep making when working on it 5. What colour did she use for the roses 6. Did they make a mess in the house She kept spelling the words wrong because she was too excited. She coloured them red, blue and pink. Yes. There was paint on everything. Paragraph 1 Paragraphs 2-3 The reason why Suzy made a birthday card. How she made the card. Paragraph 4 Suzy’s hope. Reading & matching Suzy’ mum’s birthday , so she decided to by herself. She went to to make the card because she wanted to . is coming make her a birthday card Sandy’s home keep it secret Retelling Paragraph 1: She make the card with on it. Sandy helped her with . They had fun . It took Suzy to finish. Lots of things during that time. She made some when she the sentences “ Happy Birthday, Mum ”. She kept the words . She was too excited! two hours went wrong mistakes wrote spelling wrong Retelling some roses the drawing Paragraph 2: planned to working together Finally, she the roses , _____ and . She also a picture of colourful and it on the . When she the card, there was : the table, Sandy’s books, her clothes, her hands and face! This is the card she made for her Mum. She hopes . colored red pink cut out balloons stuck cover blue completed paint on everything her mother will like it Retelling Paragraph 3&4: How did Suzy make her mother a birthday card Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 She made a birthday card with some roses on it. She coloured the roses red, blue and pink. She cut a picture of colourful balloons and stuck it on the cover. Para.4 Suzy’s hope/feelings. Para.2 Why did Suzy made the card What i ... ...

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