
外研版七年级上册 Module 2 Unit 1 Is this your mum? 教案(表格式)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:84次 大小:67584Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教学基本信息 课题 Module 2 My familyUnit 1 Is this your mum 课型 听说课 年级 七年级 教 学 目 标 有关家庭成员的单词和短语。方位介词的正确使用。1.—Is this your family?—Yes, it is.2.My mum's parents are on the left.3.The woman next to her is my dad's sister, my aunt Liz. Who are the boy and the girl in front of Paul 5. Those are Paul's son and daughter, my cousins, Mike and Helen.6.—Are these your grandparents —Yes, they are./No, they aren't. 教学重、难点 重点:有关家庭成员的单词和短语和方位介词的正确使用。难点:介绍和询问家庭成员的句型的正确使用。 教 学 过 程 过程 教 学 活 动 设计意图 Step 1 Warm up 1. Greet the students as usual. 2. Enjoy an English song Finger Family to learn about the family members. 在歌曲中学习新词汇,导入新课。 Step2 Lead in Begin the new lesson by asking the students some questions.教师可问学生:Do you have a happy family How many people are there in your family Who are they Please show us a photo of your family It’s a photo of Jimmy’s family.This is a small family.Who’s this/that Who are these/those 以调动学生的积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣,以此导入新课。 Step3Presentation Task 1 Knowledge presentation and practiceTeach the new words in Activity 1 and then lead the students to read several times. After that check the words through a game.Play a game after learning the new words.1.The teacher says some sentences about a word. 2.Students guess which word it is and spell it. The one who gets the right answer will get a small gift.For example:T: He is a boy. He is not my brother, and he calls my dad uncle.Who is he S: Cousin. Task 2Listening1.Play the recording in Activity 2 and ask the students to listen and check the people Tony mentions.2.Play the recording again and ask the students to do some other exercises.训练一(听力原文见教材P9 Activity 3)Ⅰ.听对话,选择正确答案(  )1.Whose family are they talking about A.Tony's family.  B.Lingling's family.  C. Betty's family.(  )2.Who is the woman next to Tony's mum A.Tony's sister. B. Tony's aunt. C.Tony's teacher. (  )3. Helen is Tony's _____.A.cousin B.mother C.friend(  )4.How many grandparents are there in this family A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.(  )5.Where is Mike A.Behind Paul. B.In front of Helen. C.In front of Paul.[答案] 1—5 ABACCⅡ.根据对话内容回答问题1.Who is Liz __Tony's_aunt.__ 2. What's Tony's sister's name __Linda.__3. What's Paul's son's name __Mike.__3.Check the answers with the whole class.Task 3Listening and reading1.Play the recording in Activity 3 and ask the students to listen and choose the right answer. Then check the answers.2.Play the recording again. Ask let the students read the sentences in Activity 4 and once, then underline the correct words.3.Ask the students to practice the dialogue in Activity 3 in pairs. Let the students practice it, change roles for another time.4.Choose some pairs to act the dialogue out in front of the class.Task 4Pronunciation1.Explain the pronunciation of |h| |b| |p|.2.Play the rec ... ...

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