
【期末无纸化乐学测评】牛津译林版1A 闯关单

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:56次 大小:266778Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 恭喜小朋友们完成1A的学习,让我们施展拳脚,参与一下1A English 闯关小挑战吧! Task1 I can point and read. 闯关密钥-抽取桌面的卡牌,指读出对应的课文内容。 Task2 I can read the words. 闯关密钥-抽取桌面的卡牌,指读出对应的单词内容。 Part1: Hello mum this touch afternoon puppy peach please Part2: banana teddy morning dad goodbye Miss Li balloon thank you Part3: cherry grape box night Mr Green green dance cook Part4: pink sing bag high friend beanie sweater evening Task3 I can answer the questions. 闯关密钥-根据图片回答老师的对应问题。 -Good morning, what is your name -Is this a box -Is this a teddy -What colour is it -What can you do 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Scoring Guide A. YL Recitation The task should last for 1 minutes. Ask students to read the text. A+ Reading fluently and clearly with appropriate pausing and intonation while making very few pronunciation mistakes. A Reading hesitantly with many pronunciation mistakes, e.g., skipping words or phrases occasionally. B Reading only a few words correctly. B. Pronouncing simple and familiar words comprehensibly. A+ Speaking clearly and readily without pronunciation mistakes. A Speaking quite clearly with very few pronunciation mistakes. A- Speaking unclearly with many pronunciation mistakes. C. Reasonable answers to two simple questions A+ Providing relevant answers to the questions naturally and readily. A Providing relevant answers to the questions naturally, with no or little prompting. A- Providing brief answers to the questions hesitantly, with some prompting. Giving incomprehensible or irrelevant answers to the questions.

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