
外研版(三起)五年级下册Module 6 Lesson 3 发音小练习 课件(共12张PPT)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:25次 大小:1344951Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 五年级(下册) Module 6 发音小练习 来看看or,oor的组合发音! o+r / (r)/ o+o+r morning door 来看看ou,ow的组合发音! o+u about /a / how o+w Ouch! 来看看our,ur的组合发音! o+u+r colour / (r)/ Saturday your u+r / (r)/ 一起来了解schwa sound / / / /是不圆唇、非重读元音,每个元音字母都可能发这个音。 1)嘴微微张开,嘴唇舌头放松,舌身平放。 2)振动声带,气流向外发出/ /音。 schwa / / More example of / /sound A:about,banana,was E:the,travel I:animal,family O:above another U:until Circle the right word. Circle the right word. Circle the pictures that make the sound“ou”like in house. Circle the right word. Circle the pictures that make the sound “ow” like in clown Choose the right letters. fl_ _er ow oi oo cl_ _d aw oo ou m_ _th o a ou t_ _n aw oo ow How many schwa sound can you find in each sentence Coffee or tea for you Robert lives close to school. Would you like to see a movie tonight 2 2 4 Thanks and see you in the class!

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