
人教PEP英语五年级下册期末复习题型突破分类训练- 情景交际(含答案)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:42次 大小:355950Byte 来源:二一课件通
预览图 0
    情景交际一: 问答匹配/排序 班级_____ 学号_____ 姓名_____ 得分_____ 时间: 40分钟 满分: 60分 一、[广东省湛江市]交际应答, 选择适当的回答并将序号填入题前括号内。(20分) (  )1. Why do you like autumn (  )2. Can we play music with you (  )3. Keep your desk clean, please. (  )4. The rabbits are sleeping here. (  )5. When do you get up in the morning (  )6. I usually eat dinner at 9: 30 p. m. in Spain. A. OK, I will. B. Of course. C. Usually at 7: 00 a. m. D. Wow! That's too late. E. Yes, they're very cute. F. Because I like the colours. 二、[浙江省金华市]给下列句子选择合适的答语。(20分) (  )1. What is your father doing (  )2. Whose dog is it (  )3. Which season do you like best (  )4. Why do you like autumn (  )5. Whose pants are these (  )6. Are these all ours (  )7. When do you usually have lunch (  )8. Is he drinking water in the kitchen (  )9. When is Tree Planting Day (  )10. What will you do for your mum 三、[浙江省金华市]将下列句子排成一段通顺的对话。(20分) (  )When is your birthday (  )Cool! It's Christmas, too. (  )I like spring best. The weather is always warm. What about you, Oliver (  )Yes, but I don't like that day! ( 1 )Hi, Chen Jie. Which season do you like best (  )It's on December 25th. (  )Why (  )Because I just get one gift for both my birthday and Christmas. (  )My favourite season is winter, because my birthday is in winter. 情景交际一: 问答匹配/排序 答案: 一、1. F 2. B 3. A 4. E 5. C 6. D 二、1. F 2. D 3. E 4. C 5. B 6. I 7. G 8. H 9. A 10. J 三、4 6 2 7 1 5 8 9 3 A. It's on March 12th. B. They're my brother's. C. Because I can fly a kite. D. It's mine. E. I like autumn best. F. He is sleeping. G. At about 11: 30. H. Yes, he is. I. No, they aren't. J. I will cook noodles for her. 2 / 3情景交际二: 补全对话 班级_____ 学号_____ 姓名_____ 得分_____ 时间: 40分钟 满分: 60分 一、情景对话, 选择合适的句子补全对话, 将字母序号填在相应的横线上。(30分) Lucy: Wow! What a beautiful picture! Amy: 1. _____ Lucy: Oh, I am sorry. What are you drawing Amy: 2. _____ Lucy: I like it. Can I draw pictures here, too Amy: 3. _____ Lucy: OK. I will. 4. _____ Amy: Yes, of course. Here you are. 5. _____ Lucy: Thanks. A. We can take turns to use them. B. Sure. Keep your desk clean. C. May I use your crayons D. Shh. Talk quietly, please. E. I am drawing the trees. 二、[浙江省绍兴市]读一读, 选择恰当的句子补全对话。(30分)   Peter: What's your favourite holiday, Wu Binbin Wu Binbin: 1. _____ It's on June 1st. Peter: It is coming soon. 2. _____ Wu Binbin: No, we have no classes. Peter: 3. _____ Wu Binbin: We will have a big party. We will have candies and snacks. And then we will enjoy the show. Peter: That sounds great! We also have Children's Day in Singapore. Wu Binbin: 4. _____ Peter: It's on the first Friday of October. Wu Binbin: What do you do on that day in Singapore Peter: On that day, parents have a holiday, too. 5. _____ Wu Binbin: Cool! A. Do you have classes on that day B. What will y ... ...

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