
外研版 选修9 Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries 高频词汇、短语、句型及完形填空 课件 (共33张PPT)

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:23次 大小:266752Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 高三英语外研版 选修9 Module 6 高频单词 1.psychology n.心理学 2.purchase v.购买 3.qualify v.具有……资格,合格 4.quantity n.量,数 5.random adj.随便的,任意的 6.range n.范围,列,排,山脉 7.reaction n.反应,回应 8.realistic adj.真的,真实的 9.reception n.接待 10.reflect v.反射,反映,映现 高频短语 以go为中心的短语 go after 追逐,追求,跟随 go against 反对,不利于 go ahead 前进,进展,继续 go back to 追溯至 go bad 变坏,腐败 go by 经过,过去 go down 下降,沉没,垮台,(风等)平静 go in for 喜欢,参加,赞成,从事,为……而努力 go off 走开,爆炸 go over 温习,检查,越过 go through 审查,履行,通过,经历,忍受 go without 无需,没有……也行 go wrong 出故障,走错路 经典佳句 1.They learned this from the way the bones were joined together. 科学家是根据恐龙骨骼的连接方法作出判断的。 2.I'm happy to have found many things I can do,like writing and computer programming. 我很高兴发现了很多我能做的事情,比如写作和电脑编程。 3.No matter how angry she felt,she had no choice but to stay with him. 不论多么生气,她除了和他呆在一起,别无选择。 熟词新义 1.pain(熟义:n.疼痛) Mary took pains with her English lessons and got high marks.(n.尽力) 2.part(熟义:n.部分;零件,角色) In order to raise money,he had to part with his house.(v.分手;放弃;卖掉) 3.position(熟义:n.位置;职位) What's your position on the problem?(n.立场;观点) 4.possess(熟义:vt.拥有,具有) What possessed you to do such a thing?(vt.攫住;支配;控制) 5.prescription(熟义:n.处方;药方) He has a prescription for happiness.(n.秘诀) 常考句型 【句型1】 spare no effort to+v.“不遗余力地” 仿写:我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。 We should spare no effort to beautify our environment. 【句型2】 bring home to+人+事“让……明白……事” 仿写:我们应该让人们明白努力的价值。 We should bring home to people the value of working hard. 【句型3】 be closely related to...“与……息息相关” 仿写:做运动与健康息息相关。 Taking exercise is closely related to health. 完形填空 体 裁 话 题 关键词 建议时间 正确率 议论文 个人情感 mind 16分钟 /20 The strength of mind As people say,you can not change the environment,but can change yourselves;you can not change the facts,but can change 1 ;you can not change the past,but can change now;you can not do everything 2 ,but can be conscientious(一丝不苟的) in everything;you can not choose 3 ,but you can show a smile. Indeed,the key to success 4 his/her mind.The differences between 5 people and losers are: winners will 6 setbacks and difficulties to the imperfect personal ability and experience,emphasizing the inherent(内在的) factors,and they are 7 to continuously improve and develop in the right direction;losers will blame the injustice of the opportunity and the environment,emphasizing that it is the external(外在的) and 8 factors that create the position of their life,and they always complain,wait and 9 ! In many cases,it is a 10 person who looks down upon himself.A p ... ...

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