

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:15次 大小:769567Byte 来源:二一课件通
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外研版2022-2023学年度下学期七年级期末模拟考试 英语试题精编B卷 满分120分,限时100分钟 Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 1.—We have a football game    the afternoon of June 28. —Yes, it starts    2:30. A.on;at     B.in;at    C.in;for    D.on;for 2.My mum is always busy, so I often cook food    . A.himself      B.itself C.herself       D.myself 3.William Shakespeare was a famous English writer of plays and    . A.gardens     B.poems    C.stores    D.bowls 4.I often eat ice cream after dinner because it    good. A.looks     B.sounds    C.tastes    D.gets 5.I knocked at the door, but nobody    . Maybe they were not at home. A.asked      B.answered C.entered      D.relaxed 6.—What is your English teacher like —She is kind, but sometimes she is    with us. A.friendly     B.strict    C.polite    D.easy 7.The summer holiday is coming, but we don’t know the    date. A.silly     B.ready    C.noisy    D.exact 8.If you don’t know how to use the phone, you can    some information on the Internet. A.look at      B.look after C.look down     D.look up 9.—    did you go after school yesterday —I went to the park to walk my dog. A.What    B.Where    C.Who    D.When 10.—Will there be a concert in People’s Theatre next week —   . Let’s go together. Yes, there is       B.No, there isn’t C.Yes, there will       D.No, there won’t 11.—Henry, what did you do yesterday —I    a movie called Peter Rabbit 2. A.watch    B.watched    C.will watch 12.—    milk do you need —I need two glasses of milk. A.How old    B.How much C.How many   D.How far 13.It’s dangerous for the boys    football on the street. Let’s stop them. A.play      B.to play C.playing     D.plays 14.I didn’t get any milk    the shops were all closed. A.so       B.because C.or       D.but 15.—Could you please tell me    when they meet for the first time in China —They usually shake hands. A.what do people usually do B.what people usually do C.where do people usually go D.where people usually go Ⅱ.完形填空(每小题2分,共20分) Fanny and Dusty were two dogs. Fanny was kind. But Dusty was rough (粗暴的). He often bit (咬) other dogs. Dusty’s owner, Mr. Green was  16  with him. He tried some ways to teach Dusty to be kind, but Dusty never  17 . One day, the owner had an idea. He hung (悬挂) a big bell on Dusty’s neck. When Dusty went somewhere, the bell rang. It was a way to  18  other dogs to be careful of Dusty. Dusty didn’t know about Mr. Green’s idea. He thought the bell was his prize. He was  19  and often showed off his bell. One day, he met Fanny. He said to Fanny,“Look at my  20 . My owner gave it to me  21  I was strong and brave.” Fanny  22  Dusty and laughed. Then he said, “It is not a prize. It is a way to warn other dogs to keep away  23  you. It also means that yo ... ...

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