

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:79次 大小:18043493Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    学校 级 姓名 考号 线 投肉重OP o税行(具20分 令a 2022-2023%白输:杂阳贴为教杂阅协经训训) summer,there are a lot of people to 20. Just go down this street and u. Next to the bookstore is a small 17. Across from the school is a 16. A.Yes,there is. )15.Is there a river in the park A.Mr.Kin 14.Who is Lucy talking with C.He is swimming in the rive 13.What is Mr.King doing A.Because it's free. C.It's in front of my house A.It's near my home. 11.Where is the park 10.A.Boring the school isa park. A.He is enjoying the flowers 9.A.She visited her friends C.Dumplings with muttor 8.A.Vegetables 6.A.Cloudy 7.A.Behind the bank noodles B.No,there isn't B.The boy C.Because it has beautiful flowers and fresh air B.Exciting B.Dumplings with bee B.In front of the bank B.Sunny our town. there is a clothes store B.She did her homework C.I don't know B.He is taking a photo of his son B.Because it's near their home B.It's near my schoo C.Difficult C.She stayed at hom Across from the bank Rainy )31.A.eat 30..0 )29./10ca )28.A.noodles )27.A.play )26.A.When too many hamburgers is not good33 health. E.:25 L:.24 B.23. Now hamburgers are 32 in China.Many people love to eat them.But remember eating foods,such as chicken and ice-cream. food there or take it home or somewhere else.In fast food restaurants,people can also buy othe and need to wait for a few minutes The best2 to buy hamburgers is the fast food restaurant.There people order their food much time cooking.In addition )28 are not expensive Because most Americans live a fast-paced (life and they don't want to One of Americans'favorite foods is hamburgers. A:Thank you. A:I milked cows and rode a horse A:About half an hour. B:How long did it take you to get there A:I went there by bus. A:About 10 kilometers. A:I went to work on my uncle's farm.It was interesting. B:I did nothing.21. A:Hi,Tom!What did you do last Sunday B.buy B.after B.place B.cakes B.use B.Why F.You look happy. C.find C.before C.time 30准各精 C.hamburgers C.spend C.Where 26 are hamburgers popular in America G.You are really busy E.What did you do there D.How delicious! C.What about you B.How did you go there 小HOVri2 Anna Mark A有 A.boring C.Mark met some classmates last weekend B.Anna thought she had a happy weekend A.Leo had a birthday party last Saturday )38.Which of the following is TRUE )37.What does the underlined word"except"mean in Chinese )36.Mark thought his weekend was C.Because she liked reading at home B.Because she liked watching TV. A.Because the weather was bad. )35.Why did Jill stay at home last weekend A.the movie )34.David talked with his friends about. All of his friends gave him presents except me.Leo said it was OK.but really felt bad. )32.A.special B.the restaurant C球 C.great C.their favorite sports invited me to his home.When Igot there,I found there wasa birthday party. last Saturday.I forgot it,so I didn't buy him a present.He called me and I thought my weekend was terrible.It was my good friend Leo's birthday some new friends.T ... ...

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