
《壹道学·小学英语话题阅读》六年级 第二部分 拓展阅读 Theme 3 仁者乐山(自然环境)(PDF版,学生版+教师版)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:95次 大小:10599558Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Theme3仁者乐山(自然环境) Theme3仁者乐山(自然环境) Monday 星期一 The River Thames 泰晤士河 The Thames starts in the Cotswold hills in England and flows for 338 km.It flows through London,the capital city,and finally pours into the North Sea.At the beginning the water is fresh,but the last part of the Thames is sea water. The Thames in London is very famous,of course.You can travel by boat along the river and see the famous London sights, like Tower Bridge,Big Ben and the London Eye.It's a great way to see London quickly! Lots of people have holidays near the Thames or on the Thames and never go near London!The Thames flows through very beautiful places and you can go fishing,swimming or boating.There are pictures and stories of people skating on the Thames in London in winter,but these days,the Thames never freezes.It's still a great place to have fun. 【生词点拨】 Cotswold /'kits,wauld/hils科茨沃尔德丘陵地带 1ow/1laU/流动 pour/po:(r)/涌入 famous/feimas/著名的 sight/sart/景物 freeze/ri:zl冻结 阅读短文,回答问题。 1.Where does the Thames start The Thames starts in the Cotswold hills in England. 2.What London sights can you see along the river We can see Tower Bridge,Big Ben and the London Eye. 3.Do people have to go to London for a boat trip No,they don't. 4.What can you do by the Thames in the countryside We can go fishing,swimming or boating. 5.Does the Thames freeze in winter No,it doesn't. 闪Theme3仁者乐山(自然环境) Theme3仁者乐山(自然环境) Monday 星期一 The River Thames 泰晤士河 The Thames starts in the Cotswold hills in England and flows for 338 km.It flows through London,the capital city,and finally pours into the North Sea.At the beginning the water is fresh,but the last part of the Thames is sea water. The Thames in London is very famous,of course.You can travel by boat along the river and see the famous London sights, like Tower Bridge,Big Ben and the London Eye.It's a great way to see London quickly! Lots of people have holidays near the Thames or on the Thames and never go near London!The Thames flows through very beautiful places and you can go fishing,swimming or boating.There are pictures and stories of people skating on the Thames in London in winter,but these days,the Thames never freezes.It's still a great place to have fun. 【生词点拨】 Cotswold /'kits,wauld/hills科茨沃尔德丘陵地带 1ow/1laU/流动 pour /po:(r)M涌入 famous/feimas/著名的 sight/saIt/景物 freeze/fi:zl冻结 阅读短文,回答问题。 1.Where does the Thames start 2.What London sights can you see along the river 3.Do people have to go to London for a boat trip 4.What can you do by the Thames in the countryside 5.Does the Thames freeze in winter 闪

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