
Unit 1 Welcome back to school PA Let’s learn(精美课件 音视频 英文详案 课时训练)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:92次 大小:31029484Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 1 Welcome back to school PA Let’s learn 教案 Teaching aims: Ss will be able to listen, say and read the words, “Canada”, “China”, “UK”, and “USA”. Ss will be able to use the sentence structures “Hi, I’m …. I’m from ….”. 21世纪教育网2-1-c-n-j-y Ss can do the part of Let’s chant. Teaching key and difficult points: 21世纪教育网版权所有 Ss are supposed to master these words: “Canada”, “China”, “the UK”, and “the USA”.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 Ss will chant about the countries. 21世纪教育网 Teaching procedure: Step 1 Warm up Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls. Let’s enjoy a video about London. Do you know London? And this is the London Bridge. It’s in the UK. 【出处:21教育名师】 Do you like it? Try to follow the song. T: Now let’s play a game. I can read. Boys and girls, you are going to have a PK, OK? Ss: OK! Let’s play Ss; KFC VCD UFO UK T: Good! And we know London Bridge is in the _____.【版权所有:21教育】 Ss: UK. Ss: I’m … years old. (因为是开学初的第一节课,所以要与学生有个亲密的互动,和学生说一说自己的寒假,同时) Step 2 Preview Introduce Yoyo T: This is my daughter, Yoyo. Guess how old she is. You can say like this, how old are you, Yoyo? 【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 Ss: How old are you, Yoyo? Yoyo: I’m 8 years old. Step 3 Presentation Elicit and practice “friend” Yoyo: Let’s be friends. T: Read after me. Friend, friend. Ss: Friend, friend. T: Friends, friends. Ss: Friends, friends. T: We are friends! Ss: We are friends! ② Let’s chant Ss: Friends, friends! We are friends! 2. Elicit and practice “I have two friends! ” ①Elicit “ I have two friends! ” Yoyo: I have two friends. Lily and Zhang Peng. T: Who can be Yoyo? Ss: I have two friends. Lily and Zhang Peng. Yoyo: What about you? Ss: I have … friends, … and …. ②Review boy & girl and practice “boys” & “girls’ Yoyo: Lily is a girl. Ss: Girl, girl. Yoyo: Zhang Peng is a boy. Ss: Boy, boy. T: Can you read? Ss: A boy. A girl. T: Now let’s play a game. Listen and guess, is it a boy or a girl? (Guess according to the tapes.) Ss: A boy/ girl. T: Look, they’re girls and they’re boys. Can you read these words? Ss: Boys. Girls. ③ Let’s play T: Let’s Play a game. Boys and girls, you’re going to have a PK. First a girl says “Shake your body.” or “Stamp your foot.” Boys do the actions. Then change. OK? Ready, go!21世纪教育网版权所有 3. Elicit and practice “Boys and girls, we have two new friends today.” PPT出现目录图片 T: Boys and girls, we have new friends this term. They are Amy and Zhang Peng. So we have one, two, two new friends today. Please read after me. Today, today. Ss: Today, today. Ss: We have two new friends today. Let’s say Ss: We have two new friends today. (作为看图说话,提高学生的思维能力和运用能力。) Practice “I’m from ….”. Zhang Peng: He, I’m Zhan Peng. I’m from _____. Ss: Shan Dong. T: Good. Please read after me. I’m from Shan Dong.21·cn·jy·com Ss: I’m from Shan Dong. T: Welcome! Ss: Welcome! T: I’m the ... ...

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