
牛津译林版九年级年级上册Unit6 TV programmes reading1 课时练习(含答案)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:70次 大小:21504Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Reading(1) 一、根据课文内容判断正(T)误(F) 1. Sports World broadcasts football only. 2. If you don't like sports, you will feel bored when you watch Sports World. 3. All the big pop stars will come to the presentation of this year's Beijing Music Awards. 4. Two thousand fans will vote online for their favourite singers and songs and music videos. 5. A doctor directed the film Murder in a Country House. 6. You won't know the murderer at the end of the film Murder in a Country House. 7. Asian tigers face no danger because they are stronger than most other animals. 二、词组翻译 1. 一周要闻 2.一小时的纪录片 3. 即将到来的世界杯 4. 受惊吓 5. 网上投票 6. 近距离看…… 7. 电话不挂断 8.实况转播 9. 充满神秘和恐惧色彩 10. 发送文本信息到…… 三、单项选择 1. students went to the hospital to see their sick teacher. A. A number of B. The number of C. Much D. Little 2. The Olympic Game will be covered . A. alive B. life C. live D. living 3. All the fans have voted their heroes on the Internet. A. for B. to C. on D. in 4. You can't the answer if you don't put your heart into it. A. find B. find out C. look for D. search 5. The beautiful clothes for women are on show in the fashion show. A. newest B. new C. latest D. late 6. did he win the award A. What;do B. What;for C. Why;to D. Why;for 7. The boxes are very heavy because they are stones. A. full of B. fill with C. covered with D. filled by 8. Do you have enough courage to all the difficulties A. have B. make C. face D. do 9. ———Would you please tell me ———Bus No.22 will take you there. A. who will we go with to Mei Lanfang Theater B. what can we see in Qinghu Wetland Park C. when we will leave for the Water Forest D. how we can get to the Old Street 10. People in Yancheng are proud of the y have achieved in the past thirty years. A. how B. which C. what D. when 四、根据汉语提示,完成下列句子 1. 虽然那些演员都是新人,但他们演得很好。 the actors are all new, they did very . 2. 这个节目涉及不同的运动,例如篮球、游泳、羽毛球和足球。 The programme different sports, basketball, swimming, badminton and football. 3. 这部影片很优秀而且充满了恐惧和神秘。 The film is and is of and . 4.你介意我抽烟吗 Do you my 5.我可以点些喝的东西吗 Can I have 五、阅读表达 Some people seem to have extraordinary(非凡的) memories. Zheng Aiqiang,a“memory athlete”on TV show Super Brain(《最强大脑》), can remember 2,660 numbers in just one hour! You would think people like this have special brains. But according to a recent study by researchers from the United States and the Netherlands(荷兰), the brain structure(结构) of ordinary(普通的) people and 23 of the world's leading memory athletes shows no difference. That's because good memories can be trained. New research in the journal Neuron(《神经元》) suggests that you can become a super memorizer with just six weeks of hard training, reported The Guardian. Researchers found that a technique(技巧) called loci, invented by the ancient Greeks, can greatly help improve memory. By using loci, ... ...

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