ID: 17590923

牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 Food matters P1 Welcome to the unit课件(共10张PPT)

日期:2024-10-12 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:35次 大小:9220878B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) P1 Welcome to the unit Food matters Unit 1 Food is as fundamental to man as the people are to the state. —Chen Shou What does the quotation from Chen Shou mean It indicates that the importance of food to people is comparable to the importance of people to their countries. People cannot live without food and a country cannot exist without its people. 国以民为本,民以食为天。 ———陈寿 Each country has its typical food. Watch the video and finish the following exercises. Check your answers! fat golden all shapes and sizes corn eggs P1 Watch the video again and fill in the blanks. Fish and chips Sushi Tacos Pasta Country Made up of/ Made from Served with Ways of serving Reason for popularity The UK Japan Mexico Italy deep-fried fish and fat golden chips a corn or wheat pancake rolled around a filling flour, water and sometimes eggs Not mentioned Not mentioned Not mentioned It's fresh, convenient and healthy Check your answers! sticky rice salt and vinegar, or sauces seafood, eggs and vegetables beef,chicken, seafood, vegetables and cheese meat, seafood, onions, tomatoes mushrooms traditionally wrapped in newspaper; now in clean white paper or a small paper box served in a “roll” of seaweed They are easy to hold and relatively quick to eat. There are plenty of inventive ways to prepare pasta. Try to describe the four countries' typical foods in your own words based on the table. For example: Fish and chips is a popular takeaway meal in the UK, which is made up of deep-fried fish and fat golden chips, usually served with salt, vinegar or sauces. In the past, it was wrapped in newspaper, but now it is often served in clean whitepaper or a small paper box. Which of the dishes in the video would you like to try most Why I want to try the Japanese suchi most. It looks colourful and delicious. What do you think is the most typical Chinese food I think the most typical Chinese food is baozi, a type of steamed bun. It has different fillings, including meat and vegetables. Chinese people usually have baozi for breakfast, together with soya milk(豆浆). We Thought Food Our culture ◆ How do you understand “ one man’s meat is another man’s poison” Critical thinking 1. Do you understand the video about typical foods of the UK, Japan, Mexico and Italy 2. Can you describe the four countries' typical foods mentioned in the video in your own words Which one do you want to try most Why 3. Can you list some typical Chinese food What is the most typical one Why Self-evaluation 各个击破 1. Finish the exercises in Learning English. 2. Preview Reading part on pages 2-5.

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