

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:79次 大小:54602Byte 来源:二一课件通
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江苏省 专题组合练:时态 补全对话与短文 一、单选题 1.(2021·江苏连云港·六年级校考期中)My uncle's daughter is still _____ the window. ( ) A.look after B.look for C.look out of D.looking out of 2.(2021·江苏淮安·六年级校考期中)_____ your father in the office ten minutes ago ( ) A.Was B.Did C.Were 3.(2021·江苏淮安·六年级校考期中)Helen _____ an email _____ her e-friend last week. ( ) A.wrote; From B.wrote; to C.writes; for 4.(2021·江苏淮安·六年级校考期中)Mike _____ newspapers and _____ TV for news ten years ago. ( ) A.read; watch B.readed; watched C.read; watched 5.(2021·江苏淮安·六年级校联考期中)He often _____ apples on the farm when he was a little boy. ( ) A.to pick B.picks C.picked 6.(2021·江苏宿迁·六年级统考期中)Peter often _____ swimming on Saturdays. But he _____ fishing last Saturday. ( ) A.go; go B.go; went C.goes; went 7.(2021·江苏宿迁·六年级统考期中)—_____ you visit Beijing last weekend ( ) —No, I visited Shanghai. A.Do B.Were C.Did 8.(2021·江苏宿迁·六年级统考期中)It was _____ in the morning. But it _____ in the afternoon. ( ) A.sunny; rainy B.sunny; rained C.cloudy; rainy 9.(2021·江苏连云港·六年级统考期中)The kite flew too high and we _____ hold _____ it. ( ) A.couldn’t; onto B.can’t; onto C.could; onto 10.(2021·江苏连云港·六年级统考期中)I called you, but you _____ at home. ( ) A.were B.wasn’t C.weren’t 11.(2021·江苏宿迁·六年级校考期中)The dress is very nice, but it _____ me. ( ) A.fit B.doesn’t fit C.fitted 12.(2021·江苏宿迁·六年级校考期中)I _____ her, but she _____ at school. ( ) A.call; weren’t B.called; wasn’t C.called; aren’t 13.(2021·江苏南通·六年级统考期中)—Where _____ you yesterday ( ) —We _____ kites by the river. A.did; flew B.were; fly C.were; flew 14.(2021·江苏南通·六年级统考期中)There's a lot of _____ here in spring. Look! It's _____ now. ( ) A.rain; raining B.rains; raining C.rain; rains 15.(2021·江苏南通·六年级统考期中)My grandpa went _____ but my grandma _____. ( ) A.fishing; couldn't B.climbing; didn’t C.shopping; wasn't 16.(2021·江苏南通·六年级统考期中)_____ your sister busy with her homework last night ( ) A.Did B.Was C.Were 17.(2021·江苏·六年级期中)I can’t find my new book. It isn’t in my bag. I _____ it. ( ) A.lose B.losed C.lost 18.(2021·江苏·六年级期中)There _____ a house and some big trees on the mountain two years ago. ( ) A.were B.are C.was 二、选内容补全对话/短文 (2022·江苏镇江·六年级校考期中)Bob: Good morning, Ben. 19 Ben: Great! But how do we get there Bob: 20 Ben: OK. I can ride my new bike. Bob: 21 Ben: Yes, I do. Bob: 22 Ben: OK. What should we pay attention to(注意) Bob: 23 Ben: I see. A.Do you have a helmet(头盔) B.Let’s go to the park. C.Can you ride a bike D.Please take the helmet with you. E.Shall we go there by bike F.We should pay attention to the traffic lights. (2022·江苏镇江·六年级校考期中)Lisa: Hi, Sue. I saw the photos on your ... ...

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