
【人教新目标英语】九年级上学期Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands.基础知识检测练习【含参考答案】

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:27次 大小:995330Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 【人教新目标英语】九年级上学期Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands. 基础知识检测练习 一、词汇积累 A.基础单词 1.首都 n. 2.护照n. 3.粉笔n. 4.黑板n. 5.海岸n. 6.季节n. 7.敲;击n.&v. 8.manner n. 9.exchange n.&v. 10.empty adj. 11.basic adj. 12.除...之外prep.&除了;只是conj. B.核心短语 1.顺便访问 2.毕竟 3.气愤 4.作出努力 5.clean...off 6.take off 7.go out of one's way 8.make...feel at home 9.get used to 10.be worth doing C.词汇拓展 1.relax v.→ adj.→ adj. 2.teenage adj.→ n. 3.valuable adj.→ v.&n. 4.north n.→ adj. 5.east n.→ adj. 6.behave v.→ n. 7.gradual adj.→ adv. 8.suggest v.→ n. 二、经典语句 A.阅读下列各句,根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 1.他给我们提供了一条多么有用的建议啊! What he gives to us! 2.青少年应该敢于质疑。 Teenagers are supposed to be to ask questions. 3.世界上从来没有人未经努力就取得成功。 No one in the world has ever without making an . 4.游客应该尊重当地的风俗和传统。 The tourists are to respect the local and . 5.这个男孩在客人面前总是表现得很有礼貌。 The boy always in front of the guests. B.根据首字母或汉语提示及句意完成句子。 1.Tom promised to call me at (正午). 2.Mr.Smith (亲吻) his wife and kids before he goes to work every day. 3.Perhaps everyone knows that Beijing is the c of China. 4.We should know its table m when we travel to a foreign country. 5.When she saw us, she stood up to g us. 三、语法填空 A.用括号内所给单词的正确形式完成句子。 1.It is (polite) to laugh at others. 2.Too much homework has driven Tom even (mad). 3.The (suggest) they offered sound useful to us. 4.Real friendship is more (value) than money. 5.It's difficult to remember all the rules, but I'm (get) used to them. B.用 be impolite,supposed,important,necessary 或 relaxing to 的正确形式填空。 1.It talk with food in mouth during the meal. 2.With WeChat,it take money all the time now. 3.It watch some comedies at home after school. 4.It spend time with our families. 5.As students, we value the time we study. 四、短文填空 用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空。 middle,before,chopstick,spoon,drink,manner,use,touch Foreigners joining a Chinese dinner party should know and follow Chinese table 1. .It is a custom in China to have some tea or other drinks 2. the meal is served.First, some cold dishes are provided, which are placed on a round glass plate in the 3. of the table.Chinese people prefer using 4. instead of forks and knives.It is allowed 5. your hands when eating meat on bones.When the soup arrives at the end of the meal, a 6. is used.If the soup is very hot, it is better to wait a little while in China.At a dinner party Chinese people enjoy 7. beer or spirits(白酒).For a toast, everybody gets up, raises their glasses and 8. the others' glasses, saying ganbei! 【人教新目标英语】九年级上学期Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands. 基础知识检测练习参考答案 一、词汇积累 A.基础单词 1.首都 n. capital 2.护照n. passport 3.粉笔n. chalk 4.黑板n. blackboard 5.海岸n. coast 6.季节n. season 7.敲;击n.&v. knock 8.manner n. 方式;方法 (pl.)礼貌 ... ...

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