
Unit 5 Do you like pears? 综合素质评价试卷(含答案)

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:73次 大小:1092608Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 综合素质评价 时间:40分钟 满分:100分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 得分 一、(新素材) 读歌谣,找出5 个含有cut 画线部分相同发音的单词,并抄写在 四线三格内。(5 分) 二、选出每组中不同类的一项。(10 分) (   ) 1. A. apple B. banana C. milk (   ) 2. A. pencil B. pear C. ruler (   ) 3. A. blue B. grape C. brown (   ) 4. A. panda B. pig C. boat (   ) 5. A. under B. orange C. on 三、读句子或对话,选择正确的单词填在横线上。(10 分) 1. I see an (apple/apples) on the table. I like (apple/apples) . 2. I like this green (pear/pears) . But Sarah likes the yellow (two/one) . 3. —Do you like (milk/milks) ———Sorry, I (not/don't) . 4. —Can I have (some/a) bananas ———Here you (am/are) 5. My grandpa and grandma like (orange/oranges) . They don't like (grape/grapes) . 四、 (新角度)Linda 制作了一个创意水果拼盘。根据图片提示,选词填空。(5 分) strawberry orange watermelon banana apple 1. This is the head. It's an . 2. This is the arm. It's an . 3. This is the hand. It's a . 4. This is my body. It's a . 5. This is my foot. It's a . 五、单项选择。(10 分) ( ) 1. —Can I have some fruit — A. Thanks. B. Hello. C. Sure. Here you are. ( ) 2. some grapes. A. Have B. To have C. Has ( ) 3. I like . A. strawberry B. strawberries C. banana ( ) 4. —Do you like watermelons — A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I do. ( ) 5. —I don't like apples. — A. Me, too. B. Me, neither. C. Me, don't. 六、读一读,给下列句子选择合适的答语。(10 分) (   ) 1. Let's buy some pears. (   ) 2. Can I have an orange (   ) 3. Do you like fish (   ) 4. I like apples. (   ) 5. Have some eggs. A. Yes, I do. B. OK, Dad. C. Here you are.D. Thank you. E. Me, too. 七、连词成句。(10 分) 1. like Do watermelons you ( ) 2. have Let's oranges some (.) 3. I don't No (.)  (,) 4. day An doctor apple keeps a away the (.) 5. I like strawberries don't  (.) 八、为下列图片选择相符的对话。(10 分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. —Can I have an apple D. —I don't like oranges. —Sure. Here you are. —Me, neither. B. —I like watermelons. E. —Mengmeng, have some bananas. —Me, too. —Sorry, I don't like bananas. C. —Have a pear, Mum. —Thank you. 九、你知道孔融让梨的故事吗?请选择合适的选项补全对话。(10 分) Kong Rong: Where are the pears from Father: 1. Have some pears. Kong Rong: 2. Father: 3. Kong Rong: Yes, he does. This pear is big. 4. Brother: Thank you! Father: 5. A. Here you are.B. You are a good boy!C. Does your brother like pears D. They are from my friend.E. Thank you, Dad. 十、(新考法) 学校举办水果创意大赛。请阅读材料,完成下列任务。(20 分) Hello! I am Tracy. I am from the USA. I like bananas. I make a dog with bananas. It's thin. Hi! I'm Oliver. I'm from the UK. I like strawberries. I make a bear with strawberries. Hello, everyone! I am Xiao Mei. I am from China. Do you like oranges I like them very much. And I like fish, too. So I make a fish with an orange. Hi, I am Peter. I'm from Canada. I like watermelons. I make a shark(鲨鱼) with a ... ...

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