
Lesson 81-82(讲义)新概念英语第一册下半册

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:50次 大小:897646Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 81-82 Roast beef and potatoes Lead-in What kind of food do you like eating Will you eat the same(相同)food everyday? _____ Now,let’s listen to the tape and answer the following question: Why is Carol disappointed _____ Words and phrases: bath n.洗澡 dinner n.正餐,晚餐 nearly adv.几乎,将近 restaurant n.饭店 ready adj.准备好的,完毕的 roast adj.烤的 Language points: 知识点1:Where is Carol?He is upstairs. Carol在哪里?他在楼上 【知识详解】 upstairs在此处作形容词,含义为“在楼上,在楼上的”,其反义词为_____. 固定短语:go upstairs/_____上楼,下楼 【例题讲解】 看图写话。 _____ 知识点2.He is having a bath. 他正在洗澡 【知识详解】 1.bath n. 洗澡 区别: have a bath多指盆浴,而take a shower指淋浴 此处使用的时态是现在进行时。 定义:表示现在正在进行的动作或存在的状态;正在发生/做的事。 标志:now Look! Listen! be动词+动词的ing 现在分词变化规则: 直接加ing。 例:read - reading 去掉末尾不发音的字母e,再加ing。例:have - having 以辅音、元音、辅音字母结尾,且单词中只有一个元音字母,双写末尾 辅音字母,再加ing。例:swim - swimming 【例题详解】 我想洗个澡。 _____ 2.What are you _____ doing B. do C. does 3.What _____ he doing am B. is C. are 4.What _____your father doing am B. is C. are 5.She _____ dancing now. A is B are C am 6.Tom is reading _____. book B. a books C. a book 7. The boy _____ _____ (draw) a picture now. 8. Listen! Some girls _____ (sing) in the classroom. 9. My mother _____ (cook) some nice food now. 10. What _____(be) you _____ (do) now 11. Look! They _____ (have) an English class. 知识点3.I’m nearly ready. 我几乎准备好了哦。 【知识详解】 nearly adv. 几乎,将近;差不多;差点儿 e.g. The dinner is nearly ready. _____。 e.g. I nearly missed the train. _____。 ready adj. 准备好的,完好的 词组:be ready to do sth. 准备好做某事;愿意做某事 e.g. 你准备好离开了吗? _____ e.g. 雷锋总是乐于助人。 Lei Feng is always _____. 【例题讲解】 1.The New Year is _____ here. The children are _____. ( ) A.next to; happy B.nearly; happily C.nearly; happy 2.—It's _____ lunchtime. How about having some noodles ( ) —It sounds good. A.nearly B.again C.always 3.Tom _____ fell off the bike. ( ) A.nearly B.near C.only 4.—Come here, children. Dinner’s ready! ( ) —_____ A.You’re welcome. B.Thanks. C.Excuse me. 5.Dinner is ready. It’s time _____ dinner. ( ) A.have B.to have C.having 知识点4.have的用法 课文原句重现:He’s having a bath./ Have a cigarette./ Have a glass of whisky then./ We can have dinner at seven o’clock./ Sam and I had lunch together today./ What did you have /We had roast beef and potatoes./ Well, you are going to have roast beef and potatoes again tonight! 语法: have可以代替常用动词,表示eat, enjoy, experience, drink, take(吃喝玩乐)等意义。这时的have是行为动词,用法与这些动词相同。在疑问句和否定句中,必须用do, does和did, 可用于各种时态。 此时的have与动作有关,而不像 have表示“拥有”时(请参见 Lesson 59-60重点语法)那样表示状态;因此,它可以用于各种时态。 e.g. 他正在游泳。He _____. = He _____ e.g. 我上个星期六散步了。He ... ...

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