
Module 8 Unit 3 Language in use 学案 初中英语外研版七年级上册(含答案)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:52次 大小:21332Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 8 Unit 3 Language in use   ◎课时重点: 1.归纳频度副词的用法;记住并会正确运用“Would you like... ”和Let's句型。 2.综合所学知识,运用“Would you like... ”和Let's句型描述群体活动或个人活动。 【预习导学】 一、填一填 1.去看电影       2.在中国的生日聚会上        3.听音乐        4.做生日蛋糕        5.收到……的来信        6.立刻;马上        二、译一译 1.大明总是收到生日礼物。 _____ 2.爷爷一直看电视吗 _____ 3.他周六踢足球。 _____ 4.你想来吗 _____ 5.到时再见。 _____ 三、想一想 1.How often do you go to a concert _____ 2.Do you usually get birthday presents on your birthday _____ 3.Would you like to travel with your parents _____ 【答案】 一、 1.go to the cinema 2.at a Chinese birthday party 3.listen to music 4.make a birthday cake 5.hear from 6.at once 二、 1.Daming always gets birthday presents. 2.Does grandpa always watch TV 3.He plays football on Saturday. 4.Would you like to come 5.See you then. 三、 1.I never go to a concert. 2.Yes, I do. 3.Yes, I'd love to. 【合作探究】 任务驱动一 阅读练习   1.仔细阅读课本P53上5的邮件,回答下列问题。 (1)When does Mike's birthday party begin _____ (2)Who can come to Mike's birthday party _____ (3)Can Jack go to Mike's birthday party _____ 2.再读一遍邮件,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。 Mike's birthday party is at his school. Jane and Jack both hear from Mike. Jack always watches TV on Saturday evening. In the UK and the USA children always open their presents at once. 任务驱动二 情景展示   1.假设某一同学过生日,要邀请同学们参加生日聚会,小组同学之间就此组织一段对话。 完成任务所需的语言结构: A:Today is my birthday. Would you like to come to my birthday party B:Yes, I'd love to. C:I'm sorry. I must stay at home. ... 2.根据你的个人情况,回答下列问题。 (1)Do you have a birthday party every year (2)Who would you like to invite to your birthday party (3)Do you open your birthday presents at once at your birthday party 任务驱动三 听读练习   1.教师将全班同学分成A、B两组,在两组之间进行的问答练习。 Group A: (1)Would you like to come to Tom's birthday party (2)What present do you give your friend (3)Do you sing Happy Birthday at your birthday party Group B: a.I give him a nice T-shirt. b.Yes, we sing it in English and in Chinese. c.Yes, I'd love to. 2.听录音并进行朗读练习。 ·学习小助手· 频度副词在句中的位置:要放在be动词和助动词之后,行为动词之前。如:I am always at home. He usually plays football after school. Tom doesn't often go to concerts. 【答案】 任务驱动一 1.(1)It begins at 4:00 on Saturday evening. (2)Jane can come to Mike's birthday party. (3)No, he can't. 2.F T F T 【知识超市】 ●We sometimes give birthday cards. 有时我们送生日卡片。 sometimes是频度副词,常用的频度副词有always、often、usually、sometimes、eldom、 never。对频度副词提问用how often;频度副词一般放在实义动词之前,助动词之后。 例如:I never play computer games. 我从来不玩电脑游戏。 They don't often go home. 他们不经常回家。 [做一做]单项选择。 ( )1.Li Mei     with her friends in class. A.never talk    B.never ta ... ...

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