
Unit 6 Lesson 33 The Fisherman and the Goldfish(Ⅰ) 课件(共22张PPT) 2023-2024学年冀教版英语九年级全一册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:91次 大小:58111145Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 Lesson 33 The Fisherman and the Goldfish(Ⅰ) 新课导入 Watch the video 1.掌握本课新单词:goldfish, wife, net,whatever, grey, marry 掌握短语: lead a poor life, pull out, open up, wish for, ask for. 2.了解《渔夫与鱼》的故事,并能用英语表演 3.知足常乐并且热爱现在的生活 预习检测 1.The old couple lead ____ happy life, though they are not rich. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2.Catherine got married ____ a policeman twenty years ago. A.with B. for C. to D.at A C 3.We must protect plants because they are friends of _____. A. we B. ourselves C. our D. ours 4. — iPhone and iPad are so popular these days. —Yes, they can _____our eyes to the outside world. A.open up B. turn up C.call up D. think up 5.I don't think it's good for parents to give their children ____ they want. A. whatever B. however C. wherever D. whoever D A A 知识梳理 1.I am a fisherman.My wife and I lead a poor life . lead (led, led) vt. 意为“度过(时间、生活)” lead a..life 意为“过着……的生活”。 e.g. The old man leads a quiet life. [拓展] lead作动词时还意为“领导;带领;通向” lead to意为“通向” e.g. This road leads to our school. 2.He pulls out his net and opens it up. pulls out 拖出 open up 打开;开发,开辟,为“动词+副词”结构, 当名词作宾语时,名词位于up前后均可; 若人称代词作宾语,则人称代词只能位于open与up之间。 e.g. He opened up the box slowly. 3.It said it could give me whatever I wished for. wish for 意为“想得到,渴望”。 e.g. The fisherman's wife wished for a new house. What do you wish for wish,hope的区别 (1)hope和wish后都不能接动名词,但可以接不定式,意为“想,希望”。 (2)wish可用于wish sb. to do sth.结构,hope则不能用于此结构。 (3)wish后可以跟双宾语,用来表示祝愿;但hope不能这样用。 (4)hope和wish都可以接从句。hope接从句表示“希望”;wish接从句所表达的内容通常是不可能实现的愿望,从句要用虚拟语气。 渔民与金鱼的故事 Director: Brian Script: Steven,Jenny and Kim Characters: Fisherman—Danny,Fisherman’s Wife—Jenny, Goldfish—Kim Sound&Set: Brian,Kate and Danny Costumes: Kate and Steven (A fisherman wearing a hat is fishing on the sea .Waves can be heard in the background.) Fisherman:I am a fisherman.My wife and I lead a poor life . (He pulls out his net and opens it up.A goldfish jumps out of the net.) Fisherman: Oh,a goldfish! Goldfish: Dear Mr.Fisherman,pleases let me go.I will give you whatever you want. Fisherman: Oh my God!A talking fish!Please go back to your family. I don't want anything. (The goldfish swims back into the sea.) Scene1:On the Sea (The fisherman’s wife,who has grey hair and old,dirty clothing,is siting at the table.The fisherman walks in.) Fisherman: Can you believe it I caught a taking goldfish today. Wife: Really What did it say Fisherman: It asked me to let it go.It said it could give me whatever I wished for. Wife: What did you ask for Fisherman: I asked for nothing and let it go. Wife: How did I marry such a fool!Why didn't you ask it for a new horse Ours is so old. Fisherman: Don't be angry,dear ... ...

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