ID: 19303842

高教版(2021)基础模块2 Part3-4 Unit6 Craftsmanship课件(28张,内嵌视频)

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:22次 大小:79541759B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Craftsmanship 主讲:xxx 时间:xx年x月x日 Reading and writing Unit6 1 . Warming-up 热身 2 . Reading 3 . Writing 4 . Homework Contents 阅读 写作 作业 目 录 庖丁解牛 (选自王先谦《庄子集解》本) 庖丁为文惠君解牛,手之所触,肩之所倚,足之所履,膝之所踦,砉然向然,奏刀騞然,莫不中音。合于桑林之舞,乃中经首之会。 文惠君曰:"嘻,善哉!技盖至此乎 " 庖丁释刀对曰:"臣之所好者道也,进乎技矣。始臣之解牛之时,所见无非牛者。三年之后,未尝见全牛也。方今之时,臣以神遇而不以目视,官知止而神欲行。依乎天理,批大郤,导大窾,因其固然。技经肯綮之未尝,而况大軱乎!良庖岁更刀,割也;族庖月更刀,折也。今臣之刀十九年矣,所解数千牛矣,而刀刃若新发于硎。彼节者有间,而刀刃者无厚;以无厚入有间,恢恢乎其于游刃必有余地矣,是以十九年而刀刃若新发于硎。虽然,每至于族,吾见其难为,怵然为戒,视为止,行为迟。动刀甚微,謋然已解,如土委地。提刀而立,为之四顾,为之踌躇满志,善刀而藏之。" 文惠君曰:"善哉,吾闻庖丁之言,得养生焉。 Warming-up Task 9 Think and discuss. 提到中国古代故事“庖丁解牛”,你能想到哪些成语? 庖丁解牛 游刃有余 目无全牛 踌躇满志 切中肯綮(qing) 批郤(xi)导窾(kuan) 新硎(xing)初试 官止神行 善刀而藏 Task 10 Read and choose. 阅读课文,选择合适的标题。 Once upon a time, a cook named Ding was asked to butcher a cow for King Hui. As he worked, his movements were graceful, like dancing to music. The sound of the knife between the bones was like a whisper in the night. When the butcher finished, the king said: “Wow, your skill is amazing!” The butcher replied: “It was nothing really. When I first took up the job, what I saw was the whole cow. But after I had been at it for a few years and butchered a good number of cows, what I saw was no longer the whole cow, but just its structure. Ever since then, I stopped using my eyes and used my mind instead, knowing where every bone and joint is and where to cut exactly.” By years of practice, the cook finally achieved excellence in butchering. Even today, his story is still told to show that a good craftsman comes from continued practice. A.The Person I Admire Most B.A Cook’s Skill C.Ding Butchers a Cow Task 10 Read and choose. 阅读课文,选择合适的标题。 A.The Person I Admire Most B.A Cook’s Skill C.Ding Butchers a Cow √ By years of practice, the cook finally achieved excellence in butchering. Task11 Read and complete. 再读课文,补全庖丁经历的三个技艺发展阶段。 At first, what he saw was1) . After he had butchered a good number of cows for a few years, what he saw was 2) . Ever since then, he stopped using his eyes and 3) instead, knowing 4)   . Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Task11 Read and complete. Which paragraph should we read “It was nothing really.When I first took up the job,what I saw was the whole cow.But after I had been at it for a few years and butchered a good number of cows,what I saw was no longer the whole cow ,but just its structure.Ever since then,I stopped using my eyes and used my mind instead,knowing where bone and joint is and where to cut exactly. ... ...

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