
中职英语高教版(2021)基础模块2Unit 2 Health and Fitness Reading and Writing 课件(14张)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:54次 大小:3448855Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit2 Health and Fitness P4-5 Reading and Writing Lead-in: How do you understand “Life lies in movement” Does it mean exercise plays an important role in health 3.What are the benefits of exercise burn off calories promote blood circulation sculpt body build up the muscle strengthen the flexibility lose weight keep us more energetic promote self-respect develop self-confidence Keep in good mood Cultivate and Strength one’s mind Skimming: As for the title What is the cure What is the cure for 3.What does the word “ignore” mean A Great Cure, Sadly Long Ignored 阅读课文,判断文章的主要写作目的。 Read and choose. A Great Cure, Sadly Long Ignored People are less active nowadays, partly because technology has made our lives easier. There is public transport for us to take. There are washing machines to wash our clothes. We enjoy ourselves in front of a screen. Fewer people are doing manual work, and most of us have jobs that involve little physical effort. As a result, we move around less, burn off less energy, and have more health problems. So, what should we do to handle this modern problem Exercise is a great cure we have always had, but sadly we have ignored it for too long. Evidence shows that whatever your age, being physically active can help you lead a healthier and happier life. People who exercise often have fewer chances to develop many long-term illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. What is more, physical activity can also boost self-respect, mood, sleep quality and energy, as well as reduce your risk of suffering from stress and depression. “If exercise were a pill, it would be one of the best medicines ever invented,” says a health expert. Exercise is a great cure. The cure is for the modern problem—People are less active nowadays. 3.What does the word “ignore” mean A.see B. pay no attention to C.find D. pay no attention to A Great Cure, Sadly Long Ignored √ Why did the writer write the text Purpose List the health problems modern people have. Complain that people are less active nowadays. Explain the benefits of exercise. √ Phenomenon /problem Reasons Solution Benefits Be less active Move around less Burn off less energy technology makes life easier fewer people do manual work Exercise develop less long-term illnesses Boost self-respect … reduce risks of stress and depression Scanning: Finish the mindmap. Read and decide. Many people are burning off more energy because their life is busier than before. 2) Modern health problems may include being overweight, moving around less and having too much work pressure. 3) Exercise is one of the best ways to keep people away from modern health problems. F T T be less active in … 2. partly because … 3. enjoy oneself =have a good time 4. do manual work / labour/ physical 5 …jobs (that involve little effort) 6. burn off less energy 7. handle the problem = do with/ deal with 8. cure n. @ v. a cure for cancer Will yo ... ...

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