
北师版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 8 Green living Lesson 2 Greening the Desert 课件(共18张PPT,内镶嵌音频)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:39次 大小:11219979Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 2 Greening the Desert UNIT 8 GREEN LIVING By the end of the class, you will be able to: 1. listen about Greenlife, a non-profit organization; 2. learn how to take notes while listening; 3. practise asking questions after a presentation; 4. role-play a presentation and a subsequent interview. 扫清听力障碍 charity organization have a contented life sandstorm proposal a slim chance have a survival rate of... prosper bring... to an end work through one’s sadness make one’s dream come true current conditions be referred to as... be an inspiration to us 慈善组织 过着满足的生活 沙尘暴 提议 机会渺茫 存活率为…… 兴旺;繁荣 使……终结 调整悲伤情绪 使梦想成真 现状 被称作…… 对我们是个鼓舞 Pre-listening Look at the poster. Answer the questions. Invited Talk A Non-Profit Organisation I Admire Presenter: Dr. Chen Lan Time: 2 pm Friday, 10 April Place: The Meeting Hall Organiser: The Student Union, No. 3 High School Yi Jiefang, the founder of NPO-Greenlife Aims: · turning deserts/dry farmland into forest · helping to stop droughts Active and share 1. What is the event about 2. What do you think the presenter is going to talk about 3. What does NPO stand for NPO stands for the term non-profit organisation. The event is about a public speaking event on environmental protection. The presenter might talk about Yi Jiefang and a non-profit organisation. Listen to a presentation. Activity 1:Listen to the first part of the presentation twice and fill in the form. NPO-Greenlife: a charity organisation What was the terrible event that changed Yi Jiefang’s life _____ ____ died in a road accident. How did Yi Jiefang feel after the accident Life seemed to ____ ___ _____. What made her start NPO-Greenlife Her son had been concerned about the _____ ____ _____ in northern china, so Yi Jiefang decided to make her sons dream _____ ____. sandstorms and deserts Her son lose all come true meaning While-listening Activity 2:Listen to the second part of the presentation and take notes. Don’t write down every single word. Only write down the main idea and key words. ·use diagrams, tables or bullet points. ·use abbreviations and symbols: org=organization, yrs=years, ↑=increase The early days of NPO-Greenlife 1. _____.Yi Jiefang went to 2._____ Inner Mongolia and saw 3._____ with little agriculture. So Yi Jiefang 4._____ to 5._____in the region over 6._____ and the government agreed. Although the first trees were 7._____, her team continued planting more trees. Now the trees have 8._____. w n es the dst of md a ppl 1 mn trs 10 yrs bln awy a svl rt of 85% va ars of dry lds Activity 3:Listen to the second part again and fill in the blanks. The early days of NPO-Greenlife 1. _____. Yi Jiefang went to 2._____ Inner Mongolia and saw 3._____ with little agriculture. So Yi Jiefang 4._____ to plant 5._____ in the region over 6._____ and the government agreed. Although the first trees were 7._____, her team contin ... ...

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