
2025届高考英语二轮复习阅读理解:例证题课件(共30张PPT)+ 讲义

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:16次 大小:11787624Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    高考英语例证题讲义 考察内容 例证题要求考生能够区分论点和论据,理解文章的总体结构以及单句之间、段落之间的关系,主要是考察考生通过段落、句子来推测文章的主旨、支持的观点等。 提问方式: 1.The case of…demonstrated that… 2.The author wants to prove the example of… 3.The example of…is used to show… 考察定位处的文章架构: 观点+例子(80%)/例子+观点 技巧:例子本身不重要,重要的是观点 干扰选项:例子本身 方法:例子用于定位,例子内容不看! 例子前后会出现观点句,只读观点句! What is 例子? 例子标志:观点后经常有for instance, example, take...as an example, to illustrate, consider... 先例子后观点往后找提示词:therefore,thus。 例子、观点 What is a Fact 1. A fact is a statement that is _____. 2. Facts can be _____. 3. Anyone who is checking will find or see _____thing. 4. There can be _____reasonable point of view. What is an Opinion 1. An opinion is actually_____. 2. Opinions tell how the writer _____ about something. 3. Opinions express – _____ 4. An opinion expresses feelings and depends on someone’s _____. 练习:Facts or Opinions 1. The most wonderful thing about New York public school system is that it offers sex education. ( ) 2. The Shopwell has more counters than the A&P. ( ) 3. Beijing is the capital city of China. ( ) 4. Every during the fall semester, an American studies course is offered on our campus. ( ) 5. Portsmouth is a best place for a navy base. ( ) 6. Water boils at 100 degree centigrade. ( ) 7. Overweight people are lazy. ( ) 8. It snows a lot in Canada in winter. ( ) 9. An unhealthy diet can damage your health. ( ) 10. Sports medicine experts have observed for years that endurance athletes, particularly females, frequently have iron deficiencies. ( ) 11. I’m sure that time will only confirm what we feel deeply about each other. ( ) 12. In last night’s class, Dr. John spoke on methods of teaching English. ( ) 13.Three hundred and twenty-seven teachers from forty-nine schools attended the school-boarding meeting. ( ) 14. Not enough people care about the political situation to ensure any change. ( ) 15. It isn’t really music. It’s weird. It is definitely horrible stuff. ( ) 课堂训练: Americans are willing to tolerate time-consuming security procedures in return for increased safety. The crash of Egypt Air Flight 804, which terrorists may have downed over the Mediterranean Sea, provides another tragic reminder of why. But demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for the process. And it should: Wasted time is a drag on Americans' economic and private lives, not to mention infuriating. ◇The crash of Egypt Air Flight 804 is mentioned to A. stress the urgency to strengthen secruity worldwide. B. explain American’s tolerance to current security checks. In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Aladuell argues that “social epidemics” are driven in large part by the actions of a tiny minority of special individuals, often called influentials, who are unusually informed, persua ... ...

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