
北师大版(2019)必修第三册Unit 8 Green Living Reading Club 1 课件(共15张PPT)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:91次 大小:2565336Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 必修三 Unit 8 Green Living Reading club1: Recycling 年级:高一年级 学科:英语(北师大版) 授课人: 学校: Warm up What can we do to deal with this problem Garbage Siege 垃圾围城 Pre-reading Sweden does very well in recycling. Environmental-friendly Beautiful scenery Pre-reading Ethiopia, Africa , Africa does very well in recycling. Pre-reading Would you like to get more information about how Sweden and Africa recycle the waste Today, let's read the article Recycling to explore how to recycle waste. Read for the General Idea What's the main idea of Part 1 waste management in Sweden. Read for the General Idea What's the main idea of Part 2 waste management in Africa. Read for detailed information country structure Sweden Africa Sweden produces 4.5 million tons of waste per year 70 million tons of waste is produced each year problem solutions Benefits Waste is burned to produce electricity There are businesses tackling the problem Waste that can’t be burned is reused or recycled produce useful products create jobs and make money set a great example for others It is good business for Sweden and less waste for the rest of Europe Read for detailed information True or false Sweden produces much waste and they cannot fix it. F Sweden’s solution is benificial to the rest of Europe. T Many local communities in Africa are solving their own waste. T Sweden and Africa have the same ways to fix the problem of waste. F Some businessmen not only reduce but produce useful products in Africa. T Critical thinking Task1 What does the writer mean by saying “Where most people see a problem, a few clever individuals have seen opportunities.” The waste is a problem, but some clever people have managed to come up with solutions that create good results. Critical thinking Task 2 Which method do you think can be applied to our city, Sweden’s method or Africa’s method Why Sweden Group Africa Group Voice your opinion Play a game of classifying the garbage 2. Classify the waste according to the cues. 4. Group leaders share your results. rules 1. There are 4 groups in total. Each group has 8 cards. 3. Each group has limited time, just 2 minutes. Voice your opinion What can we students do to protect the enviromment Homework Make a survey of how our school disposes waste and write a survey report. Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference. Thank You

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