ID: 19761800

牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 Food matters Welcome to the unit教案(表格式)

日期:2024-10-12 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:13次 大小:93062B 来源:二一课件通
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U1 Food matters Welcome to the Unit 教案 教材分析: 本课时是单元导入板块。单元导入呈现的是一段关于不同国家代表性美食的视频,其中包括对味道、烹饪方法、历史来源、受欢迎原因等描述。学生通过识别和提取视频中的信息,分析背后的主题并进行评价和探索。学生感知本单元的主题并激活已知信息,通过回答课本问题,提出个人观点,并举例进行补充说明。 教学策略与设计说明: 采用启发式教学策略,以学生为中心,自主理解视频信息,思考素材背后的含义,激活已知信息。 教学目标: 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 语言能力上,通过视频,学生初步掌握主题词汇,感知视频中的主要信息,通过完成表格和问答等学习任务,提高听力和口语技能。 思维品质上,激活学生对于世界美食认知,引导学生辩证思考食物受欢迎的原因。 文化意识上,感知世界美食的多样性,提高对本国特色美食文化的认同。 学习能力上,懂得运用视听方法,综合提高语言能力。 教学重点: 激活学生已知信息,引起学生对于本单元内容的兴趣。 教学难点: 活跃课堂氛围,引导学生获得视频中的信息点。 教学资源: 教材、多媒体课件、黑板与粉笔。 教学过程: 步骤 教学活动 设计意图 时间与模式 Step 1 Lead in: The teacher gets students involved in the learning mood by asking the following questions related to Ss’ daily life for leading in the subject word: food. 1. How do you greet with people every day 2. What is your first question after class Then, T asks: What does “food” mean to you Can eating make you happy for leading in the importance of food and the proverb of Chen Shou. 创设互动情境,拉近沟通距离,激发学习兴趣的同时开发话题资源,为单元学习做好准备。 8’ IW/CW Step 2 Welcome to the unit: T leads Ss to reading the proverb from Chen Shou to understand the importance of food. Ss need to translate the proverb and discuss the deeper meaning of it. Then T describes Chen Shou by displaying the information on the screen. 通过品读名人名言,联系单元主题语境,引导学生通过单元标题预测本单元学习内容,为单元学习做准备。 5’ CW Step 3 Discussion: Before watching the video, T asks Ss questions: 1. Have you ever tried exotic food What is your most impressive one [T displays different pictures for arousing Ss’ interests and attention] 2. Do you know what they are And what are they from [T displays the four kinds of dishes and tell the answers for recall Ss’ knowledge or experience they already have] 通过讨论,学生激活已知信息,结合个人经历,提高对视频内容的预测,并复习相关的话题词汇,降低视频难度。 3’ CW Step 4 Watch a video: Have students watch the video and then fill the following table. T checks the answers with Ss for understanding the features of each food. 通过让学生观看一段介绍四个国家的代表性食物的视频,帮助学生了解这些美食的相关知识,激发他们探究不同饮食文化的兴趣。 10’ GW/CW Step 5 Discussion T plays an interview video about how fish and chips is loved by UK people for leading in the following discussion. Then, T asks: 1. Which of the dishes in the video would you like to try most Why [tips: Taste, appearance, sense of freshness, occasion…] 2. What do you think is the most typical Chinese food [Chinese traditional festivals, home-made dishes, well-known food…] ... ...

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