
小学英语oxford phonics(自然拼读)world 1 L5 字母发音 课件(105张PPT)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:40次 大小:21169144Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 第 3 课 Captain Jack 哈喽,同学们。我是杰克船长,我们即将前往拼读王国。 出发前,我要考考大家。只有通过测试,才能成为我的队员。 Read the words. am dam ham jam ram aid laid maid paid raid ail fail mail pail sail ain gain main pain rain ee bee see feed seed Read the words. eel/een feel heel been seen in in bin sin tin ie die lie pie tie ob bob job lob sob og dog fog jog log Read the words. oat boat coat goat moat oa load road boast coast or cord lord fork pork orn born corn horn torn boat jam mail pie bee dog rain corn Listen and spell. Captain Jack 恭喜完成测试,成为我的队员,让我们一起出海探索吧! Captain Jack 现在,我们来到了拼读王国,字母公主和骑士来迎接我们啦! 拼读国王 拼读皇后 拼读骑士 拼读公主 拼读骑士会带你认识辅音部落,拼读公主会带你认识元音部落。 Watch and say. z Watch and say. w Watch and say. ng Watch and say. v Watch and say. oo 紧 Watch and say. oo 松 Point and say. z w ng v oo oo 卡片可点击 紧 松 Captain Jack 拼读国王说这里有隐藏的宝藏,让我们一起去寻找吧! Captain Jack 我看到前面有五个关卡,想必宝藏就在里面。 ag ap Sound the letters. ag ap ag Sound the letters. ap Let’s play. wag zap lap gap Say the words. r a g t w z Say the words. z a p m l g Let’s play. wag zag lap map gap tag rag et ent ell Sound the letters. et Sound the letters. ell et ell ent Sound the letters. ent et ell ent Let’s play. met set pet wet Say the words. v e t s p m Say the words. l e l w t s m Say the words. t e n w t s l Say the words. d e e w s n d Let’s play. mell sent tent well Let’s play. well deed lent went Let’s play. seed weed sell tell Sound the letters. it it ip ig ill Sound the letters. ip it ip ig ill Sound the letters. ig it ip ig ill Sound the letters. ill it ip ig ill Let’s play. fit pig pit Say the words. v i t s p f Say the words. z i p t s n Say the words. b i g d p z Say the words. l i l w t h f Say the words. tw i n t s b Let’s play. twin sin will Let’s play. bin big hill Let’s play. till sin fill Sound the letters. in in ing ong Sound the letters. ing in ing ong Sound the letters. ong in ing ong Let’s play. sing wing kong long Say the words. g i n w s r k Say the words. g o n s l k h Let’s play. wing ring song hong Sound the letters. ood ood ook Sound the letters. ook ood ook Sound the letters. ool ool oon oom Sound the letters. oon ool oon oom Sound the letters. oom ool oon oom good look wood cook book food Let’s play. Say the words. d o o m f w g Say the words. k o o t l c b Say the words. l o o t f c b Say the words. n o o s n m b Say the words. m o o z r l b room noon zoom tool cool cook Let’s play. Say the words. king hill zip vet Spell the words. e v t 兽医 Spell the words. p i z 拉链 Spell the words. i h ll 小山 Spell the words. ng i k 国王 moon book wood sing Say the words. Spell the words. i ng s 唱歌 Spell the words. d w oo 木头 Spell the words. oo b k 书 Spell the words. m n oo 月亮 Read the story. A king. Read the story. A king will sing. Read the sto ... ...

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