
小学英语oxford phonics(自然拼读)world 1 第13课 元音拓展课件(73张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:68次 大小:20078709Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 第 13 课 Captain Jack 哈喽,同学们。我是杰克船长,我们即将前往拼读王国。 出发前,我要考考大家。只有通过测试,才能成为我的队员。 Read the words. ord/ork cord lord fork pork orn born corn horn torn aw law paw raw saw all call fall tall wall alk balk talk walk chalk Read the words. ause cause pause ger tiger finger hunger burger ber amber timber number member ner/mer dinner winner hammer summer ter better letter Read the words. ird/irt bird third dirt shirt irst/irth first thirst birth birthday urn/urse burn turn nurse purse paw bird fall nurse pause summer finger number Listen and spell. Captain Jack 恭喜完成测试,成为我的队员,让我们一起出海探索吧! Captain Jack 现在,我们来到了拼读王国,字母公主和骑士来迎接我们啦! 拼读国王 拼读皇后 拼读骑士 拼读公主 拼读骑士会带你认识辅音部落,拼读公主会带你认识元音部落。 Watch and say. oi Watch and say. oy Watch and say. ou Watch and say. ow Point and say. oi oy ou ow Captain Jack 拼读国王说这里有隐藏的宝藏,让我们一起去寻找吧! Captain Jack 我看到前面有五个关卡,想必宝藏就在里面。 Sound the letters. oy 输入 内容 ow oy Sound the letters. ow ou oi oy ow oi oy ow ou Let’s play. Say the words. b o y j s t Let’s play. boy joy soy toy Say the words. Review Lesson 12 ‘ow’ b o w l s r 图片可点击 Say the words. b o w c n h 图片可点击 Say the words. n o w d t Say the words. r o w p s h t d e Let’s play. bow cow now how down town tower power dower shower Sound the letters. oi oi ow ou Sound the letters. ou oi ow ou oi oy ow ou Let’s play. Say the words. l o i b c f s Say the words. n o i p c j t Let’s play. soil foil coil boil coin join joint point Say the words. t o u b a a Say the words. t o u l d a a Say the words. d o u f p r s n Say the words. e o u h m s s t h Let’s play. bout about loud aloud found pound round sound house mouse mouth south Thank you! toy boy join point Say the words. Spell the words. oy t 玩具 Spell the words. oy b 男孩 Spell the words. oi j n 参加 Spell the words. oi t p 指 n down tower house mouth Say the words. Spell the words. n d ow 往下 Spell the words. ou se h 房子 Spell the words. ou m th 嘴 Spell the words. t er ow 塔 Read the story. The queen. Read the story. The queen found a house. Read the story. The queen found a house in the town. Read the story. The queen found the value. Read the story. The queen found the value of a house. Read the story. The king. Read the story. The king found a coin. Read the story. The king found a coin in the toy box. Read the story. The king found the value. Read the story. The king found the value of a coin. Captain Jack 太棒啦!今天真是满载而归呀~ Captain Jack 我刚刚在岛上捡到一封信,我们打开看看吧~ 4 oi oy ou ow 4 The queen found a house in the town. The king found a coin in the toy box. The queen found the value of a house. The king found the value of a coin. 38 boil coil foil soil boy joy soy toy bout about loud aloud bow cow how now down town … Can you spell point boy join toy ... ...

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