
中职英语高级版(2021)基础模块2 Unit2 Health and Fitness Culture understanding 课件(26张,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:62次 大小:26615844Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Life lies in movement. 生命在于运动。 Culture Understanding & Group Work Unit2 Health and Fitness To enhance national confidence and cultural pride. knowledge objectives ability objectives emotional objectives To master words and expressions about traditional Chinese medicine. To elicit the information about TCM and exchange ideas about staying healthy. Learning objectives 目录 Warming up 1 Culture Understanding 2 Group Work 3 CONTENTS Homework 4 Part 01 Life lies in movement. 生命在于运动。 Warming up Warming up Warming up 扁鹊(公元前407年-公元前310年),战国时医学家,齐国渤海郡莫州(今河北任丘)人,我国历史上一位承前启后,大有成就的著名医学家。不仅精于内科,而且精通妇产科、小儿科、五官科等。创造了望、闻、问、切四大诊法,擅长望诊和切诊。 Warming up 华佗(约公元145年-公元208年),名旉,字元化,汉末沛国谯(今安徽亳州)人,东汉末医学家,与董奉、张仲景并称为“建安三神医”。 他医术全面,尤其擅长外科,精于手术。并精通内、妇、儿、针灸各科。 Warming up 张仲景(约公元150~154年-约公元215~219年),字仲景,南阳涅阳县(今河南省邓州市)人。东汉末年医学家,被后人尊称为"医圣"。有传世巨著《伤寒杂病论》。它确立的"辨证论治"原则,是中医临床的基本原则,是中医的灵魂所在 。 Part 02 Life lies in movement. 生命在于运动。 Culture Understanding Culture Understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM(中医)) is an ancient system of health care.It dates back more than 2 000 years ago. It was seen by many as a national treasure for its unique theories and practices. One feature of TCM is that it can give therapies(治疗方法) based on the health situation of each individual. Today TCM has found a way to help modern people. Culture Understanding Find the sentences about the origin and characteristics of TCM. Origin:more than 2000 years Characterisitcs:unique theories and practices;based on the health status and each individual. Culture Understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine Daniel, a Sydney native, is a TCM practitioner(从业者) .He has spent years in China learning and practicing the techniques. “That experience really opened my eyes a lot to the value of traditional Chinese culture. I really saw the benefit, and it’s something I want to share in my culture. Even though it comes from Chinese culture, I believe it can have a benefit to any other culture.” When Samantha, a 27-year-old American lawyer, recovered from COVID-19, she experienced fainting, severe headaches and dizziness. After she tried acupuncture((中医)针刺疗法,针灸) for a month, she started to feel she was returning to normal again. “The first five minutes, I was just lying there. After 15 minutes, you just melt into the table. You feel so good, and your body feels very loose.” Culture Understanding Comments on TCM from two foreign friends: Daniel:a Sydney native,is a TCM practitioner.TCM can have a benefit to any other culture. Samantha:a 27-year-old American lawyer,tried acupuncture fo ... ...

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