
Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming 词汇运用(含解析)冀教版 七年级下册英语题型专项集训

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:57次 大小:34198Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming 词汇运用(含解析)冀教版 七年级下册英语题型专项集训 一、单词拼写 1.Don’t l babies alone in the bathtub(浴盆). It’s very dangerous. 2.Let’s talk about your (课题). 3.I hope (meet) you at the airport. 4.All of us felt (excite) and proud when we were watching China’s first spacewalk. 5.I guess Peter and his sister Sally enjoyed (they) at the dancing party. 6.Our team is strong. We (be sure) of winning the game. 7.Summer holiday is (come) soon. 8.You will have much fun (tour) in the ancient city—Xi’an. 9.I (send) you a gift on your birthday next month. 10.I am happy that I have a piece of e news to tell you. 11.He likes w his dog after dinner every day. 12.Mr. Black no longer lives here. He has m away to the town. 13.Every child should have the r to go to school. 14.Lucy had a traffic accident on her way home. L , she was not hurt, just got scared. 二、完成句子 15.climb, we, mountain, this, are, to, weekend, going, the . 16.are, plans, they, about, my, excited . 17.be, a, great, it’s, going, to, summer . 18.exciting, what, is, an, idea, it ! 19.there, in spring, beautiful, so many, are, flowers . 20.flowers, how, the, are, beautiful ! 21.a, nice, he, had, trip, summer, last . 22.realized, many, I, my, things, on, trip . 23.they, so, a, up, plan, with, came . 24.long, how, journey, did, his, last (连词成句) 25.about, Jenny’s, project, is, silk . 26.project, what, about, is, your 27.Our trip lasted three days. (对画线部分提问) did your trip 28.She learned English by watching TV shows and movies. (对画线部分提问) she English 29.rest, I, tomorrow, am, going, to . 30.an, the, gives, idea, trip, me (连词成句) . 31.I feel sick today. (对画线部分提问) you today 32.The dog needs help. (改为否定句) The dog help. 33.The mother left her son at home. (改为一般疑问句) the mother her son at home 34.Jim has to take care of his little sister. (改为同义句) Jim has to his little sister. 35.The Smiths will move to Beijing next month. (对画线部分提问) the Smiths to Beijing 36.going, you, do, tomorrow, what, to, are 试卷第1页,共3页 试卷第1页,共3页 参考答案: 1.(l)eave 【详解】句意:不要把婴儿单独留在浴盆里。这很危险。根据“Don’t…babies alone in the bathtub.”句意及首字母提示,可推知填leave“留下”,放在“Don’t”后用动词原形。故填(l)eave。 2.project/projects 【详解】句意:让我们谈谈你的/你们的课题。project“课题”,可数名词。故填project/projects。 3.to meet 【详解】句意:我希望能在机场见到你。hope to do sth“希望做某事”,是固定短语,空处用不定式形式,故填to meet。 4.excited 【详解】句意:当我们观看中国的首次太空行走时,我们所有人都感到兴奋和自豪。feel后作表语用形容词,形容人用形容词excited“兴奋的”。故填excited。 5.themselves 【详解】句意:我猜彼得和他的妹妹莎莉在舞会上玩得很开心。根据句意可知,玩得开心用词组enjoy oneself,这里是指“Peter and his sister Sally”两个人,用代词“他们自己”,故填themselves。 6.are sure 【详解】句意:我们的团队很强大。我们有把握赢得比赛。根据“Our team is s ... ...

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