
北师大版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 Information technology Lesson 2 Apps课件 (共24张PPT)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:40次 大小:1222742Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Information Technology Lesson 2 Apps Activate and Share Listen for Understanding Focus on Function Speak I II III Ⅳ outline Ⅰ Activate and Share Internet and technology bring much convenience to our real life. Let’s recall some of our life situations. What apps do you often use What do you use them for Activate and Share Example: A: There is an app I often use to buy anything I want. It’s really convenient. to book tickets to order food to find directions to learn a language to check the weather ... Ⅱ Listen for Understanding Listen for key words Before listening, read the questions carefully. While listening, pay attention to the words related to the questions, e.g. popular, difficulties, latest technologies ... Listen for words that are stressed. Skill Builder Before listening: read and answer the questions. Use the key words to help you. Then listen and check. Why are apps so popular What are the difficulties in developing an app What are the latest technologies used in apps Listen for Understanding to become powerful to be useful to make life easier to solve real-world problems to enjoy learning activities to find what people need to use the latest technology VR (Virtual Reality) AR (Augmented Reality) MR (Mixed Reality) Before listening: read and answer the questions. 1. Why are apps so popular Apps are popular because they are useful and make life easier. 2. What are the difficulties in developing an app The difficulty is in solving real-world problems and finding what people need. 3. What are the latest technologies used in apps The latest technologies used are VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality) and MR (Mixed Reality). Listen for Understanding Listen and complete the information General functions help us find popular _____ call for _____ find _____ to different places Uses of educational apps allow students to _____ their online teachers and _____ according to their personal interests and needs ensure students can all enjoy _____ _____ learning materials Difficulties in developing an app find out what people _____ solve _____ problems need same the subjects choose directions taxis real-world restaurants Listen for the last time and imitate I: Welcome to Teen Tech Talk. Nowadays, we use many software _____ on our mobile _____. We call them apps _____ _____. Today, my guest is Li Xing, an app developer from New-tech Company. Hi, Li Xing! L: Hello! _____ _____ having me. I: So, in your opinion, why are apps are so popular L: Well, apps are very useful. They help us find popular restaurants, _____ _____taxis, find directions to different places, and so on. applications devices for short Thanks for call for Listen for the last time and imitate I: Indeed. They make our life _____ easier, don’t they _____ many of our listeners are students, could you tell us something about _____ apps L: Sure. Educational apps are becoming increasingly _____. For example, some ... ...

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